Chapter 18: Family Burger Trip

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(694) Words

Layla's POV


After a bit longer, Toretto and I made it back to the old barn with the rest of the crew. 

Frostee- Well look who's here!

I quickly slid down the side of Moon and dropped my feet to the floor. I held my hand out and Toretto took it this time, sliding off successfully. Cisco ran over and held both of us in a tight embrace. 

Toretto- How long do you think it will take before we go home? 

Frostee- I have no idea. As long as it takes the others back home to set up the device. 

Layla- Let's hope it's not that long. 

Cisco- How was the ride? Anything exciting happen?

Toretto and I both responded at the same time. 

Both- Nope!

Echo- Woah. That was a quick response. Kinda suspicious.

Something ALMOST happened, but we were not about to let the crew find out about that. To them, we went on a normal ride to the tower and back. 

Toretto- Nothing happened Echo. We did what we went out to do and now we just wait to go home. Okay?

Echo- Jeez. 

Echo turned and walked away to go sit down on the other side of the barn. I took the reins, walked Moon back to a pen, and began taking off the saddle. 

1 Hour Later

Everyone was just sitting around the barn, waiting for something to happen. Hoping we would be going home soon. 

Cisco- I'm hungry. 

Layla- You're always hungry. 

Frostee- For real!

Cisco- When we get home, I'm going to get burgers. 

Shashi- I could totally go for a burger. 

Layla- Same. 

Toretto- Family burger trip?

Cisco- Yes!

Toretto- A celebration meal. With everyone. 

Then things started to get brighter. 

Layla- Is it time?!

Echo- I think so! 

Cisco- We're going home!

But nothing happened, and the brightness went away. 

Toretto- What happened?

Frostee- It was a cloud. The sun came out for a second and then the clouds covered it again. 

Cisco- Oh... 

But then things got really bright. 

Frostee- Now we're going home!

The light continued to get brighter very quickly and soon it just stopped. The light went away and all 6 of us were back inside the garage. All the younger kids were standing on the other side of the garage until Mark ran over to us. 

Mark- Oh my god! It worked!

Rach- Oh thank god.

Rach put her hand over her heart and then the rest of the younger crew started to walk over to us. Mark put his hand on Toretto's shoulder and then pulled him into a hug. Leo walked to Frostee and they started to talk about the machine and how well Leo had done making it. 

Toretto- You alright?

Mark- Yea. I'm just glad you're all back.

Toretto- Good job guys! You saved all of us!

Leo- But how did you guys send out your location?

Layla- Toretto and I went to a tower thing and sent out the file that Frostee made.

Leo- That's smart. 

Rach- Where did you guys go? Or when?

Layla- To my home town. Back when I was a kid. 

Mark- Woah. 

Cisco- Can we go get our burgers now?!

Layla- Cisco! We just got back!

Cisco- I'm starving!

Layla- Ugh. Fine.

Cisco- Let's go!

Rach- Where are we going?

Cisco- Family Burger Trip! That's what Tony said!

Layla- Alright. Let's go. 

We all walked out of the garage and split up on our way to each car. It's a good thing that we have such a big parking lot outside the garage because now, we have 11 cars parked here. Now that we have 5 new members in the family, there are 5 more cars here too. All our cars started and Toretto pulled up right next to me. He turned on our radios inside our cars. 

Toretto- Y'all up for a race?!

Layla- Y'all? You're starting to talk like me!

Shashi- Oh no. Not two southern accents. 

Layla- What do you have against a southern accent?

Shashi- You say stupid things!

Layla- I do not! 

Shashi- Fine! Let's just start this race!

Layla- Fine. 

Frostee- Are you two just gonna keep fighting forever?

Echo- I don't think it'll ever stop. 

Toretto- Ready, Set, Go!

Toretto took off after counting down super fast. 

Layla- Cheater!

I sped off after him as everyone else followed behind. 

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