The first night at Paradis

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(I've read an absurd amount of AOT fics lmao, but this is the first I've written. Pleaseeee leave comments with any feedback good or bad. I just hope some people read this :) 

It all started when you finally left your hometown to escape to university. You were a mix of ecstatic and nervous about your first day at Paradis Uni. In high school, You were well known, because of your striking looks that you grew into throughout those 4 years, however you tended to keep to yourself. College was going to be your time, you had always planned on college being the time in your life when you could finally escape from the people at home and let loose a little without every single person in your hometown watching and judging your every move.

You drove to Paradis Uni with your best friends Connie and Sasha, about a 6 hr drive. Ready to leave everything you knew behind, you wanted to make new friends as soon as possible and maybe even make it to a party. After all, this was somewhat uncharted territory for you, you never partied in high school and Sasha and Connie were your only real friends since like ever. Not complaining though, Connie is the funniest motherfucker you've ever known and Sasha the sweetest, so you were thankful they chose to apply to Paradis with you.

Connie was DJ'ing the long car ride as your drove, Doses & Mimosas- Cherub was playing when Connie turned the knob down a bit (I recommend you play the song on a low volume to help set the scene) "Paradis ladies aren't ready for me man. I'm gonna be smashing every-" Connies starts when Sasha leans forward from the back seat and smacks him in the back of the head.

"Keep dreaming baldie" she says as she sits back down in her seat, connie twists his body around to face her and unbuckles his seatbelt, getting onto his knees in the passenger seat leaning over the center console attempting to hit her back, Sasha deflects all his poorly aimed throws laughing.

"Are you idiots trying to make me drive this car off the bridge?" You say, rubbing your temple with your left hand, eyes remaining on the road in front of you. They both continue their fighting completely ignoring your statement so you take the wheel with your left hand and and extend your right to spank Connie on the ass, he immediately sits back down "Damn Y/n at least take me to dinner first" you laugh. Looking out the window you all admire the sparkling blue water beyond the bridge. "5 minutes away now" Sasha says, Glancing at her gps. Your stomach turns with excitement and nerves, 5 minutes go by in what feels like 5 seconds.

You pull into the parking lot of the off-campus apartment the three of you decided to rent together. The parking lot is lined with palm trees and when you open the door a strong warm breeze from the ocean being so nearby hits you, It feels almost euphoric. You could definitely get used to this. You all lug your many suitcases and boxes out of your car and up the stairs to your new apartment, it's a miracle you could even fit all yall's shit in the car.

After a few hours of settling in, The sun is starting to go down. The three of you stand around in the kitchen "I'm starving. Can we pleaseeee go out to eat?" Sasha says. "I'm in desperate need of a dirty shirley" Connie says, "Dirty Shirley?" You and Sasha say confused in unison. "Like a Shirley temple with vodka, duh" Connie says putting his hand on his hip. "I've never heard someone call it that" you say with a laugh. "I swear Connie you seem so fruity sometimes" You and Sasha laugh and he rolls his eyes. Y'all load up in the car and begin driving down the road when you spot a bar and grill by the beach, and you decide to pull into the parking lot.

Upon entering the bar and grill you can definitely tell by the large crowd of twenty-something year olds that it's definitely a college bar. It's the night before the first day of school and yet the place is packed. Pour It Up- Rihanna is playing loudly over the speakers. Sasha makes a B-line to the bartender to order a cheeseburger, Connie following closely behind. As you continue to scan the room for a place to sit, a man catches your eye. He's tall, about 6'5 maybe. He has dark brown hair pulled up into a man bun with a few strands loose framing his defined jaw, he's leaned over the pool table, wearing a leather jacket and black jeans, his eyebrows slightly furrowed as he makes his aim. Theres a cigarette sitting between his pink lips. After he makes his shot he stands back upright and glances over, making eye contact with you. You immediately look away embarrassed realizing you had been staring at this man for what could've been minutes.

You begin making your way through the crowd of drunk college students over to the bar to order, The bartender is a tall muscular blonde man with a beard and glasses, He looks you up and down for a moment, eyes lingering a little bit too long on your chest, but you're used to men checking you out so you don't really mind. "A margarita on the rocks with Patron please" You say with a smile, The bartender returns a smile and nods. "Patron huh? I like your style" the man says before turning around to make your drink.

You pull out your purse and begin rummaging through it for your wallet when a veiny hand reaches over you from behind and places cash on the counter in front of you, you turn to see the same man from a second ago standing closely behind you, a smirk plastered across his almost annoyingly perfect face. "You know, you could come talk to me instead of just staring, stalker." he says towering over you. Up close, you can see his teal eyes piercing your gaze and your stomach turns. The smell of his expensive cologne and mint infiltrate your senses. His hands decorated with silver rings. You grab your drink and step out of line, The man follows. you turn back to face him "And what makes you think I was staring at you? Your friend over there is pretty cute too" you say, returning his cocky smirk. gesturing over at a cute blonde boy with bright blue eyes by the pool table. He chuckles "I'm Eren." "Y/n" you respond.

"Well y/n, I hope I'll catch you stalking me again soon" He says and before you can muster a comeback he turns and disappears into the crowd and out the door. You didn't even realize it but your heart was pounding significantly faster. You take a long sip of your margarita and make your way over to where Sasha and Connie are sitting, they're chowing down on appetizers and Connie is drinking his cute girly drink with extra cherries in it. You sit down and tell them about your encounter with Eren.

"Eren, hm.. no way it could be THAT Eren" Sasha says directed at Connie "I mean, the description was pretty spot on so it's possible." Connie responds. "Are you guys gonna fill me in on what you mean by that?" You ask "Oh it's nothing, It's this guy that we met when we got invited to that one college party back in the summer remember? The one you didn't wanna come to? Anyways, there was this guy named Eren and he was cool at first but then he hooked up with Mikasa and apparently she walked in on him fucking another girl that same night. That guy is bad news."

"Hm. Well hopefully that's not him because the guy I just met... I would let him do unspeakable things to me honestly-" You say "Y/n gross!" Connie interrupts and you and Sasha laugh. The night winds down after getting plenty tipsy and Connie queing the song Twerkulator- City girls on the Touchtunes in the bar 3 times in a row to terrorize every poor bystander as you all leave. You guys leave and make it back to your apartment and knock out immediately.

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