Trouble in Paradis

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You wake up around 1pm, but since you didn't have your phone you weren't even aware. You wake up with a bit of a headache but nothing too major. When you sat up in bed you noticed you were wearing an unfamiliar shirt and memories of last night regrettably enter your mind. 

Did your friends see what you did last night? Fuck.

You do your best to force hangxiety from your mind and you get up, brush your teeth, and go about your usual routine. Then you catch a glimpse of the time on the microwave and realize you missed your class with professor Ackerman. Great second day impression, couldn't be worse than the first at least. On the bright side, your class with professor Hange wasn't until later so you could at least make that.

Where are Connie and Sasha? Maybe they slept over at the frat house? 

Not having your phone to communicate with anyone was definitely inconvenient. Then you hear the front door to your apartment swing open, as if on cue. Connie and Sasha walk in, surprisingly looking well- not hungover. Sashas eyes widen when she sees you

"Y/n." she says

"Uh, good morning Sasha." You reply

"You are literally insane" She says and you furrow your brows, she walks past you and to her room.

"Too soon man" Connie says to you with a weirdly disappointed tone.

You scrunch your face in confusion and watch as he too, walks to his room.

Jean walks into the apartment. He rubs the back of his neck, and seems to avoid much eye contact with you.

"Hey Y/n" He says

"Hey Jean" You reply with a smile. He hands you your phone.

"I figured you'd be needing this." He states and you offer a grateful smile.

"Whenever you decide to text me I'll send you my notes from the class you missed today." He says

"Thank you." You say and he walks out.

Is everyone mad at me? Why is everyone acting so goddamn weird? You think to yourself. You unlock your phone and are berated with about 100 text messages from Sasha, Connie, Mikasa, etc. But aside from most being attempts to figure out where you were there were some in particular that stood out

Sasha: Y/n... Don't tell me that what I just heard is true

Sasha: Dude Mikasa is gonna find out wtf are you thinking?

and drunk texts from Connie,

Connie: Y/nnnn I can't belieef you'd flash thes party and not let me see. Lame

Connie: Damnnnnn and you fucken eren? bro thats wild

and unfortunately, 

Mikasa: Y/n, we need to talk.

Well shit. I guess it maybe wasn't the best idea to choose Eren to be part of the setup you planned. But you didn't actually fuck him, surely your friends would believe you right? Ugh you can't even worry about this shit right now. You rummage around in your bag for the torn piece of paper with Jean's number on it and shoot him a text for the notes. Then you remember that you have an "essay on manners" due Friday for professor dickface. 

You hermit in your bedroom for a while writing the most pointless essay you've ever been forced to do. As your class with professor Hange grows sooner you get ready for class

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