The frat house

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The ride home with Jean went by quickly. At one point, Jean turned the music down and spoke to you. He asked politely about what happened and why you went home. Thankfully, he didn't ask why you had to jump out of your bedroom window, though. You were brief with your response, but you just basically told him your dad was crazy and left it at that. Then you both listened to music for the rest of the ride.

 When you were nearing your apartment complex, Jean spoke up

"Maybe you should stay somewhere else for a few days, y'know, in case your dad decides to show back up. You can stay with me." He said at a red light.

You thought about it for a moment, Jean was right. But did you really want to stay at a frat house that both he and Eren live in? That could get awkward, but your only other friends were your roommates so it's not like you really had a choice.

"Yeah, that's probably the best option. Thank you." You said with a warm smile. 

He nodded and began driving towards the frat. At the beginning of the road you heard music blaring and when you got closer you saw a massive party was being held there. There were flashing lights beaming through the windows, beer cans all over the lawn, lots of girls in short dresses and tons of cars parked on the road, even blocking peoples driveways. 

"Ah shit" You heard Jean mutter under his breath.

"Guess were going to a party tonight." You said with a chuckle

"Yeah I guess we don't have a choice." He responded, clearly irritated by the scene.

You looked over at him, shirtless, and then at yourself wearing his hoodie. This looks suspicious, you thought to yourself. You were about to give him his hoodie back to avoid people thinking you hooked up with Jean, but something stopped you. You were mad that Jean was the one who came to rescue you when Eren was who you couldn't stop thinking about. Truth is, as immature as it was, you were mad at Eren and you wanted to piss him off. 

Jean found a spot to park down the road and he pulled in, bringing his car to a halt. 

"I can try to sneak you in through the garage if you want to avoid the party." Jean said, turning to look at you

You smiled at his sweet offer and responded "No, I want to forget about everything and have fun tonight" 

He raised his eyebrows, in a bit of a surprised expression. "Then I can make that happen." He said with a smirk and he exited the car. He grabbed your bag and swung it over his shoulder to carry it for you, and y'all began walking towards the house. You caught many looks from girls with sour expressions as you walked with the handsome shirtless man which made you laugh slightly to yourself. 

As you got closer and the crowd outside became thicker, Jean grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours to assure he didn't lose you in the crowd and you felt butterflies flutter in your stomach and you followed closely behind him as he paved the way through the maze of people to the door, The redheaded boy who was acting as a bouncer last time was again this time. He nodded at Jean and allowed him to bypass the line of people and enter the house. The music boomed so loudly you could feel the vibrations in the air. (No bystanders- Travis Scott was playing)

He leaned down to your ear and spoke loudly enough for you to hear him over the music "I should probably head to my room and put a shirt on, and set your stuff down. Wanna grab us a couple drinks?" 

You nodded and Jean released your hand and disappeared into the crowd. You headed towards the kitchen, this time you actually saw a few familiar faces which was comforting. First, you saw Reiner and Bertholdt, who you sent a smile and wave and they returned the gesture. Then you saw the cute blonde boy, Armin standing in the kitchen holding a red solo cup. Suprisingly, he was alone and without that evil bitch that usually clung to his side so you decided to make your way over to him.

He saw you out of the corner of his eye and his face lit up with a smile as he walked over to meet you and he hugged you, he smelled clean and like an ocean themed cologne.

"Y/n! I din't expect to see you here" He said as he pulled away.

"Yeah I didn't expect to be here either" You responded

"Well I'm glad you are" Armin said with a smile. You smiled back and went to go fix a couple drinks for you and Jean. You made yourself a margarita as usual and a crown and coke for Jean. You didn't know his go-to drink but that just seemed fitting. You leaned on the counter and took large sips of your drink to loosen up a bit and you watched as people danced in the living room, packed in like sardines. Then you heard crashing come from behind you and you turned to see Sasha and Connie rummaging through the pantry.

"Sash, Baldie" You shouted at them with a smile and they turned to look at you and both grew big grins across their faces and they ran to greet you in a group hug

"Thank god you're back!" Sasha exclaimed excitedly while squeezing the life out of you in their long embrace around your waist

"You guys are killing me" You choked out and they released you. You talked with them and drank for about ten minutes, laughing and catching up. They were drunk and happy so luckily they weren't mad at you for the whole disappearing for 3 days thing.

As you watched the crowd in the living room you happened to notice a familiar, pretty, dirty blonde girl dancing in the crowd. It was Hitch, the girl from the bar. You smiled and knew you had to go say hi, you excused yourself from your roommates and headed over. You danced your way through the crowd to her and you danced behind her before leaning close to her ear

"Damn lil mama lemme holla at you" You said in a forced, deep voice, then you laughed as she whipped around to face you. She squealed and immediately hugged you

"Oh my god bitch what are you doing here?" She shouted

"What are you doing here? I go to school here." You said with a laugh

"There's literally never parties within a 100 mile radius of where I live so I made the trip down." She explained. 

You chatted and danced with her, she grinded up on you and you got more tipsy and got more risque with your dance moves too. You were having fun with her. Then you saw Jeans tall stature making his way to the kitchen, being stopped by tons of frat dudes, dapping him up and whatnot. You made your way over to the kitchen to meet him and hand him his drink. He took a long sip and thanked you. He leaned closer down to you.

"Wanna go upstairs? I think they're playing games up there and shit again. It'll be less crowded." He said and you gratefully accepted and went to get Hitch to invite her and she accepted and yall headed upstairs with Jean. He led you to the same room as last time. Only this time it was lit up by colorful neon lights. You noticed a bag of coke on the table, just like last time but you quickly looked away. You saw Sasha and Connie already in there, Ymir and Historia, Bertholdt and Reiner, Armin, Mikasa, and lastly, Eren who stood in the corner smoking a blunt, you saw that one of his emerald eyes was bruised and you rolled your eyes. He probably got that from drug dealing or something you thought to yourself. You saw him look up when you, Jean, and Hitch entered the room. He wore a black long sleeve shirt with his silver chain with a key pendant over it. You watched as his silver rings glinted in the neon lights and his gaze lingered on you, but you didn't acknowledge him and you said hi to everyone but Eren and Mikasa. You sat down on the couch between Sasha and Connie as Jean went and sat by Reiner.

"So what's the game I was promised?" You said across the room.

"Spin the bottle" Mikasa said and you craned your neck annoyed to look at her.

"Whatever" You said under your breath and everyone sat down in a circle formation and a glass bottle was sat in the center

"Whatever" You said under your breath and everyone sat down in a circle formation and a glass bottle was sat in the center

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