First day at Paradis

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After snoozing your alarm about 10 times you wake up groggily, luckily you seem to have a knack for avoiding hangovers but that doesn't mean waking up early still isn't a challenge. You make your way to the bathroom to shower and do your hair and makeup, you decide to go with mascara, some reddish eyeshadow, some concealer, blush, and highlighter. You look hot obvi ;) Next you pick out your outfit.

In high school you won best dressed as your senior superlative, you always said "It's better to be over-dressed than under" so you decided to go with an outfit like this (or whatever you would feel comfortable in) after about an hour of getting re...

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In high school you won best dressed as your senior superlative, you always said "It's better to be over-dressed than under" so you decided to go with an outfit like this (or whatever you would feel comfortable in) after about an hour of getting ready and drinking an iced coffee that Sash had left in the fridge for you, you make your way to your first class.

You find your 10AM Business Law class with Professor Ackerman quite easily, you were 30 minutes early to be safe so you wandered about the outdoor campus a bit. You decided to pop in your earbuds and listen to some music to pass the time (Play Locket- Crumb)The campus had clearly put a lot of effort into the upkeep of it's gardening, lots of tropical looking flowers and plants flourished throughout the campus and it just reminded you how happy you truly were to be here 

You always dreamed of going to this university, your life seemed to come crashing down in a variety of ways right when you graduated high school though. Your mind couldn't help but wander on your walk and you thought about the people in your life who's grasp was almost so tight on you that you didn't enroll. But right now, you felt like you were on the outside looking in on a bad memory and a soft smile met your lips. You shortly made your way to class.

As you entered the intimidatingly large classroom you scanned your surroundings, you saw your professor first, he was sitting at his desk sipping on a cup of tea and reading a book. He had a blank, cold expression on his face. He had dark brown, almost black straight hair with a curtain hair cut. He was incredibly handsome, your eyes scanned his muscular arm holding his book and then snapped yourself out of it. You took the seat on the bottom left, closest to the door. 

A tall man with a light brown mullet and honey-brown eyes stood in front of you gazing down at you "Mind if i take this seat?" He asks. He's so handsome too you just think to yourself Is it something in the fucking water here??? "Go ahead" You reply with a slight smile. He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck gazing down at the seat in question, you realize you had set your bag there and feeling a bit embarrassed you quickly snatch your bag out of the seat, allowing him access. A waft of his musky, vanilla cologne met your nose as he sat down next to you.

Class commences, Professor Ackerman stands up from his desk, He stands at about 6'0 and every person in the class, especially the ladies pay him their full attention. "All right, I'm not going to waste any of my time, or yours with any syllabus bullshit. Open your textbooks to page 301, Chapter 3." Both you and the boy next to you rummaged around in your bags for a textbook that neither of you had, A wave of nervousness quickly washed over you as every single other student pulled out their textbooks, you looked to your right in hopes that he would have his and you could read over his shoulder, but no luck. Professor Ackerman had just started reading the material when you raised your hand. He glanced over and clearly saw you but chose to ignore you so you interrupted. "I'm sorry professor, but what textbook? I made sure to check the syllabus"

The entire lecture hall fell silent and it felt like hundreds of eyes were on you, Ackerman glared at you with an annoyed expression on his face. The hot stranger next to you decided to speak up as well "Yeah I never saw that there was any textbook either." You felt relieved that he had taken some of the pressure off of you and a slight smile tugged the corners of your lips. "Well, that would be because it wasn't in the syllabus. Ask your classmates on your own time and think before you interrupt me" He stated in a monotone voice then he went right back to discussing the textbook. You sighed and sunk into your seat anxiously waiting for class to be over.

When it was time to leave you picked up your bag upside down on accident and everything fell out of it, you scrambled to gather everything as every other student left and you followed as the last one behind. "Miss L/n" You heard the professor speak. You slowly turned, dreading this conversation and you walked over towards his desk and stood in front of him. "Since you think it's fine to interrupt me as you please I'll need a 500 word essay on manners by Friday" You stood there speechless for a moment, your face flushing pink. "You can't be serious." You said. "Can't I? Now go, brat." He leaned forward, resting his elbows atop his desk with his hands pressed together, then he gestured towards the door, you stormed out quickly.

"Hot for teacher, huh?" A voice spoke as you walked out, you whipped your head around to see the same man from class with the mullet. You realized your face was still bright pink and that's why he must've been teasing you. "Oh totally, I was just imagining what it will be like when he bends me over that desk of his." You snapped back. An arrogant smile spread across his face "I like my women with a sharp tongue" you raised and eyebrow "Let me know when you find out where to get that textbook" He said walking past you and passing you a torn piece of paper that read "Super hot guy from class- (phone number)" you rolled your eyes and when you looked back up he was already gone. Why can't he figure it out for himself? Asshole.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, you only had three classes that day back to back and they breezed on by. You made your way back to your apartment and when you entered you heard P Power- Gunna blaring from Sasha's room so you stood in her doorway watching as she did her makeup basically yelling into her powder brush "SHE WANNA GO VIRAL" while dancing in her seat. You laughed and chimed in singing "We fuckin for hours" She screamed and turned around "Damn it y/n you can't just sneak up on people like that, stalker" you rolled your eyes and walked over to her vanity "you getting all dolled up for me or should I be jealous?" you said. "Of course I'm getting pretty for you, my love" she responded "But seriously were going to this frat party tonight so get ready" 

"I like it when you tell me what to do babygirl" you winked and walked to your room to touch up your makeup and pick an outfit, you decide to keep the same top you have on since it made your boobs looks great and you slipped on a mini skirt and accessorized 

"I like it when you tell me what to do babygirl" you winked and walked to your room to touch up your makeup and pick an outfit, you decide to keep the same top you have on since it made your boobs looks great and you slipped on a mini skirt and ac...

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