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You walked slowly out of his classroom, your legs struggling to walk normally. You were feeling angry from your interaction with Mikasa and frustrated in more ways than one because of your professor. Luckily the crowd from earlier had already dispersed but you saw Eren standing at the end of the hall and you walked over to him. He noticed your presence and looked at you, his turquoise eyes staring into yours, towering over you with his brown hair tied up perfectly with a few messy strands falling. His sharp jawline tightly clenched. He looked like he was thinking of the right words to say as he looked at you.

"Did you drive here?" You asked in a bit of a rushed tone.

"Uh, yeah." He responded.

"Where did you park?" You asked.

He furrowed his eyebrows and turned to look at the parking lot his car was in and pointed.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"I need to get out of here." You replied and his confusion turned into a slight smile

"Then let's go." Eren said, he pulled his keys out of his pocket and he began to walk towards the parking lot, he looked back at you and tilted his head forward indicating for you to follow him and you did. When you made it to his car he opened the door for you and you climbed in, he got in the drivers seat and switched the car on.

"Listen, about what you saw last night. It's not what you think." Eren said, pushing his hair out of his face. It looked like he was struggling with what he was going to say to you.

"I don't really care anymore." You said.

"I do. My brother,- he sells that shit and he's gotten himself into trouble. I had to sell the last of his stash for him so he could pay back the dumbass guys he works for." Eren said

"I'm really sorry, y/n." Eren said, turning to face you.

You took in his words and thought for a moment.

"It's really dangerous for you to cover his ass like that Eren." You said

"I'll be fine." He said and he placed his hand decorated with silver rings on the wheel and pulled out of the parking lot.

"So you wanna tell me where were going?" Eren spoke

"Anywhere." You said. He nodded and drove as he rolled the windows down. You felt the warm breeze brush through your hair and the sun shine on your skin as you rode. Eren pulled into the parking lot of a nice italian restaurant the next town over and parked

"You hungry?" He asked

"Are you asking me on a date Yeager?" You asked with a smirk, turning your head to look at him

"Shut up." He said with an annoyed expression and he opened his door and stepped out

You got out of the car too and followed him to the entrance. He opened the front door for you and you walked in. You were met with the aroma of fresh baked garlic bread and with the soft chatter of people eating their lunch. You felt a bit of comfort for the first time in a while for some reason. Eren told the waitress that it would be a table for two and he placed his hand on your lower back to guide you to follow the waitress.

You sat in the booth, as Eren did across from you. You looked at him while he looked at at the menu, you were reminded of everything that happened at the beach, you felt a warm comfortable sensation in your body and you smiled softly to yourself as you looked down at the menu too.

The waitress approached and asked for your drink order, you got a sweet red wine and Eren ordered a craft beer. He was very polite and well-mannered. It was a little bit funny how differently he acted from the cocky fuckboy you originally met. He met your gaze and for some reason every time he looks at you feel almost shy.

"So, beat anyone up today?" He asked with a smirk, breaking the silence.

"Hmm, not really. Maybe one." You replied with a laugh

"That's a start." He said with an amused expression

"Are you inferring you should be next?" You said

"Maybe." He said, glancing up at you again.

"So everyone knows I punched Mikasa then huh?" You asked

"I don't know about everyone, but I like to stay in the loop when it comes to you." He said casually as he continued to scan the menu.

"Confessing your love for me already?" You joked

"I thought I already did." He teased back

You smiled to yourself and finally picked your lunch, as did Eren and the waitress returned with yours drinks and you both ordered. Eren got lasagna and you got your favorite dish. 

You both ate and enjoyed each others company.

"So, why are you and Mikasa so mad at each other?" Eren asked

suddenly you realized that Eren still didn't even know why Mikasa hated you so much and a reckless idea met your mind. 

"I don't know actually." You lied.

You and Eren had more small talk and he made you laugh a lot over more than a few more drinks you ordered for yourself later.

Eren covered the bill and left a generous tip. He walked you out of the restaurant to his car and you both got in. You both sat in silence for a moment.

"I don't want to go home." You blurted out

"You wanna hang with me?" Eren asked" Turning to face you. (Searchin- Sonder played on the radio)

You nodded with a soft smile and he put his car into gear and began driving down the road. Your phone dinged with a text message 

Sasha: Are you okay??

                                   Y/n: Yes! I'll see you later <3 

"Would it be crazy if if we just disappeared for a night or two?" You said, craning your neck to look at Eren as he drove. He bit his lip slightly as he thought

"I think you should be put in a mental asylum actually that's an insane idea." He said sarcastically

"I hate you" You said with a laugh as you punched him in the arm. He fake-winced and a smile grew across his face as he glanced over at you.

"Want me to just keep driving?" Eren asked

"Yes." You replied. You had no idea what you were doing but you felt good.

You and Eren shared favorite songs, and movies. He listened as you rambled about your obsessed interests for a couple hours and as you asked strange "would you rather" questions. He fed into everything you spoke about and you felt heard for the first time in a while. After a couple hours you spotted a hotel on the side of the road, in more of a desert area compared to your beach town your college resided in and you felt far enough. You told Eren you wanted to stop there.

(P.S Y/n is a flawed character, she will make decisions that aren't great, as she has in previous chapters. I hope that doesn't bother you guys. It is how I picture the plot moving forward. Love you guys!!!)

ObsessedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora