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You felt nervous as you got ready for the party, your makeup turned out flawless and you wanted to pick something "Slutty" to wear to Mikasa's just to piss her off even more. You decided to go with something hot but not trashy, so you went with this

 You decided to go with something hot but not trashy, so you went with this

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Sasha wore a lilac purple mini dress and her hair up in a ponytail as usual, Connie decided to come too and he wore his usual attire, some basketball shorts and a mismatched t-shirt. You definitely wanted to take a couple shots before making your appearance for a bit of a confidence boost. You three both took a couple shot's of vodka redbull. 

You called an uber and yall made your way downstairs and got in the car. It was a short drive, Jean had texted you the address. You wanted to surprise him by showing up, surprisingly Mikasa was living in a townhouse off campus instead of an apartment/dorm like the rest of us. There were already cars parked down the street, it seemed that the night was just getting started. You felt a little sad knowing that you and Mikasa were on bad terms but Connie disrupted that thought.

"I like Mikasa but if she touches you I'll definitely be dragging that bitch by the hair." Connie said and you started laughing

"That's just an unfair advantage, It's not like she can do it back, Baldie" You said and he laughed along with you. Y'all approached the front door of the party, flashing colored lights could be seen through the windows and you spotted Jeans car parked outside too, somehow he must've been early enough to secure a spot in the actual driveway.

You went first to walk through the front door, upon entering you heard loud music playing and the air was smoky, you noticed to your left that there was a table with masquerade masks and a sign next to it that read

"If you forgot a mask, grab one!" You were confused for a second, but when you looked up you noticed that it was a masquerade party and everyone inside was wearing one so you grabbed a black and silver one, Connie grabbed a green one, and Sasha got a purple mask and you all walked in and headed for the kitchen. 

In the kitchen there were a few big ice chests with beers, seltzers and various liquor bottles in them. You grabbed the tequila as per usual and some topo chico and made drinks for all three of you, you didn't notice that Armin was standing next to you under his mask.

"Hey Y/n, I'm glad you're here" he said with a warm smile.

"Armin!" You exclaimed and threw your arms around his neck in a hug. You closed your eyes as you hugged him but when you opened them you saw Annie standing behind him, with the same "Eat shit" expression on her face like the last party you saw her at. You chose to ignore her this time

"I'm glad you're here too! It's nice to see a familiar face." You replied with a smile. Annie tugged on his arm from behind and he turned around and she whispered something in his ear so you turned back to Connie and Sasha but they both had already left. You sighed and wondered how you were going to find any of your other friends with these damned masks on. You made your way out into the general crowd that was gathered in the living room, some dancing, while others took shots and chatted on the sidelines. You spotted a recognizable man-bun on a tall figure walking outside and you felt a sense of relief, you followed him outside.

When you made it outside there was weirdly no one out there, you also didn't see where Eren went but you figured he probably just stepped to the side of the house to smoke or something so you walked over that way. You heard a hushed voice from around the corner talking to someone and when you peeked around the corner you saw Eren passing a small bag of a rocky whiteish-clear substance to the same red-haired bodyguard from the frat house party, and him passing Eren a wad of cash. You recognized what the substance is from your mom. It's commonly referred to as "Ice". Some would describe it as a mix between cocaine and methamphetamine and you felt your heart sink in your chest. Eren saw you out of the corner of his eye and immediately stuffed the money away. You started walking away quickly to get back inside, trying to process what you just saw and he called after you 

"Y/n wait" Eren said and he tried to catch up to you but you slipped away into the crowd of masked strangers and loud music and went to find a bathroom for a moment to process and decompress. How could he have listened to you open up about what happened to your mom and be selling the same shit this whole time. You felt betrayed in a way, lied to.

You walked down the nearest hallway with a few doors down it and you knocked on a few, to which you heard people from behind the doors respond so you moved on to the last door on the hallway. You knocked and heard no answer so you opened the door.

You saw Jean and some girl with a mask and short black hair sitting on the bed, her hand running through his light brown hair and they were sitting closely together, her other hand on his knee. You immediately slammed the door shut and walked away quickly, feeling the dreaded tightness in your throat and your eyes begin to water. The loudness of the music was pounding in your head and you almost felt sick. You pushed past drunk strangers and rushed outside and sat down on the grass. You looked up at the same stars you and Eren admired just the other night and that made you feel worse. You wanted to get away. 

You texted Sasha and Connie that you were gonna head out early and wished them a good rest of their night and you called for another uber. You decided not to go home. You wanted to go into a different part of the city, you didn't know your destination yet.

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