Crash and Burn

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This meme of Gunna is literally me when i write js ^

(TW: kinda a lot of everything so proceed with caution if you are bothered by sensitive topics <3 love you all)


Jean drove Eren, who was sitting silently in his backseat, with his head rested in his hand which was propped up against the door. Jean glared at him and his mind raced with intrusive thoughts overlapping one another. Jean was fully convinced that Eren had done something to Y/n and that she was covering for him out of embarrassment. He pictured himself beating him bloody in revenge. He knew that when Eren had sex with Mikasa last summer, she happened to have been high for the first time too. Jean beat himself up for the pain Eren had inflicted on her, sleeping with her and tossing her aside like an object as he slept with another girl that same night. It was Jean's party and he felt responsible for what happened to her.

It was painful, Jean used to love Eren like a brother. They fought frequently but that's just how their friendship was. Jean even pushed aside the fact that Eren slept with Mikasa when he knew Jean was in love with her. He forgave him for everything he fucked up over their years of knowing each other but he didn't realize that a resentment towards Eren was always there and tonight he snapped.

When he punched Eren and he fell to the ground Jean felt a sense of relief. He kicked him in the stomach with all his force which got no reaction from Eren and Jean realized he had fallen unconscious.

Y/n's POV

(P.S Y/n feels like the song Ultraviolence- Lana Del Rey to me. I would recommend playing it for this chapter <3)

You stood there at the door of your apartment, paralyzed as you saw professor Ackerman stood in your living room with Connie and Sasha along with your dad.

You wanted to escape everything from home so desperately. And here your father was, standing in what was once your place of serenity you shared with the people who cared about you most, Connie and Sasha. His mere presence poisoned your new home and you felt sick to your stomach as he turned to face you. 

Then you saw professor Ackermans grey eyes staring into yours as he stood next to your father in your living room and memories of your encounters with him rushed back. He made you nervous before you had an inappropriate relationship with him and even more so now. You felt ashamed and terrified that your teacher, who you had fucked was now standing among your family.

You felt your heart racing, an overwhelming anxiety rushing through your body. You were still on drugs which made it even worse. You felt like you couldn't breathe, like you could have a panic attack any moment.

"Your teacher and your friends called me here. Where the hell have you been?" Your dads voice boomed through the room. causing your face to redden and your eyes began to well up because his voice brought back so many memories you wanted to forget but you forced a straight-faced expression.

You thought you had only been gone for a day? What was the big deal? You stood there in the doorway speechless in a state of confusion and a feeling of betrayal from Connie and Sasha for letting your dad be here, but as close as they were to you, you never let them see the kind of man your dad turned into after your mom passed away. They also didn't know you had slept with your teacher so it wasn't their fault he was here either, but you had all this misplaced anger and embarrassment with no one to direct it at.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by Sasha's hand on your shoulder as she now stood in front of you and she spoke.

"Why didn't you answer I thought something happened to you" She said, concerned.

"It was just a day can everyone just relax" You said in a more defensive tone than you intended as you shrugged her hand off of you.

Sasha's face twisted into one of confusion as she stared at you.

"You were gone for three days, Y/n." She said

Turns out your bender stretched out into a few days and you had missed an important exam for professor Ackerman's class and gone M.I.A by not answering any of your calls or texts. You took more coke than you thought and that had severely warped your sense of time.

Your dad approached behind Sasha and he shoved her out of the way as he stepped closer to you and his hard gaze stared into your eyes. Inches away from your face he spoke.

"Ran away from home to turn into a junkie, just like your mother" 

He said in a condescending tone. He spoke so low that only you could hear him 

You felt your blood rush to your face and your throat swell as you attempted to choke back tears. You clenched your fists as you stood pinned against the door by your father.

"Time to come home" He said as his hand grabbed your arm and he squeezed until it left a mark and you winced under his touch. His large stature blocked you from view of your friends and professor.

"No" You managed to choke out as a shout as you attempted to jerk your arm away, now catching the attention of everyone else is the room

Suddenly Professor Ackerman stood next to your dad with his large hand on your fathers forearm with a tight grip, causing your dads hand to turn pale and he was forced to release his grip on you. He angrily craned his neck to face professor Ackerman.

"She's capable of making her own decisions. Seems it's time for me to escort you off the campus" You heard your professor speak in his deep gruff voice as his piercing grey eyes burned on your father.

Connie now stood next to him as well "Yeah. What he said." He said crossing his arms attempting to look tough. Connie somehow knew how to lighten any situation and he almost evoked a laugh from you through watery eyes as he puffed up his chest at your dad.

"This is a family matter." Your dad said through gritted teeth

"One that she clearly doesn't want to be involved with." Ackerman spoke

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