The come down

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(Hey guys I missed yall hehe sorry i disappeared <3)

Eren left to grab a towel and he wiped your back off for you as you lay naked on the hotel bed. You rolled over and grabbed your clothes from earlier and got dressed as he put his pants back on.

"So who was it?" Eren says from the other side of the room leaning up against the wall with his wet dark brown hair cascading down his shoulders, his emerald eyes fixed on you.

You roll your eyes as you plop back down on the bed. "What are you talking about?" You ask

"Who left that mark on you?" He asked as he stepped towards you and stood in front of you, his knee resting between your thighs against the bed.

"Why do you care?" You ask as you squint your eyes at him, a smirk slightly tugging at the corner of your lips.

"I just do" He responded

"Jealous?" You respond

"Should I be?" He says as his eyes dance between the two of yours, the smell of his cologne and the warmth of his body heat intoxicating your senses as he stands above you in the cold room

"Maybe. Maybe it's someone you know" You say gazing up at him through your lashes

He narrows his eyes at you and steps away and you feel the cold creep back up your skin as you sit there in his absence.

"Don't you sleep around anyway Eren?" You say as he sits on the couch

"No." He says with a serious expression and you feel a strange sense of tension between the two of you.

then you felt your phone vibrating on the night stand, you laid back on the bed and grabbed it to see an incoming facetime from Jean and you furrowed your brows. You hesitated for a moment as you stared at your phone.

You answer and see Jean in a dimly lit car, wearing a black hoodie and his signature messy auburn hair fall over his face, he looks down at the phone as he notices you answered

"Y/n where have you been? Sasha and Connie won't stop asking me if I've seen you. Are you okay?" Jean says. You swipe down to reveal your notification wall and see that you have 10 missed calls from Sasha and Connie and like 25 text messages

"Ah shit" You say as you rub your forehead

"Don't worry horse face, I've been keeping her safe" Eren calls out loudly from the couch with a cocky smile

Jean furrows his brows and he looks down at his phone "Who was that?" He says in a low serious voice

"Ugh nobody, I'll call them and tell them I'm alright ok?" You speak into the phone

"Wait, what did you take Y/n? Your pupils are fucking huge" Jean says as you notice his car come to a halt and he focuses his full attention on you

You feel your heart skip a beat, and your mind races with ideas of an excuse

"Nothing, I'm just tired okay" You say quickly and hang up the phone "Fuck" You mutter under your breath. Immediately your phone gets a text from Jean

Jean: Send me your location.

You sigh and open your contact list and click on Sasha's name and call her. She answers on the first ring.

"Y/n you need to come home now" She says in a concerned voice

"I kinda cant right now, whats wrong?" You say, knowing neither you or Eren are in any condition to drive right now

"I really can't talk about it right now. Just get here" Sasha says in a hushed voice and she hangs up before you can respond. That was weird. You think to yourself

"You good?" Eren asks, noticing your sudden stressed demeanor

"Uh, yeah. Sasha said I need to get home and it sounded serious" You say

Eren thinks for a moment. "Well no uber would come all the way out here tonight"

"I know. Jean told me to send him my location" You say

"Do it. I'll come with." Eren says 

"I don't know if that's a good idea" You say apprehensively.

"Why? You embarrassed or something?" He says with a slight smirk meeting his face, reverting back to his usual arrogant attitude and you roll your eyes

"Fine." You say under your breath and you send your location to Jean

Jean: Omw 

He replies in a matter of seconds. 


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