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(Ok I promise I'm not crazy I just finished work early today and was feeling inspired so yes I am releasing yet another chapter today.)

(TW: this chapter mentions suicide and it is inspired by something from my personal life so please be nice lol. I know I don't have to tell yall <3)

As you drive, he rolls down the windows, you bask in the warm breeze from the ocean being so nearby.  (One Night Only- Sonder is playing on the radio, Highly recommend playing this as you read) You feel the breeze caress your hand as you stick it out the window. You surprisingly don't ask him where he's taking you. You've missed out on so many experiences because of your ex and where you're from. Spontaneity was rare to non-existent in your life, so you couldn't care less where he was taking you really.

His front strands of his dark brown hair falls messily out of his bun, he reaches over your lap to the glove compartment with ease, pulling out an already rolled blunt and he places it between his lips. His entrancing eyes illuminate in the spark of the lighter as he lights the blunt. 

"You smoke?" He asks

"I have before, but not really. My dad used to drug test me." You say

"Why?" He asks

"Because he was a freak I don't know." You say

"Here" He says as he passes it to you. You hesitate for a moment but you grab it anyways. Placing it to your lips you take a drag and start coughing as you exhale.

Eren smiles with amusement as he watches you cough and hands you a water from his cupholder. You chug some of the water to suppress the burning in your throat. Almost immediately you feel your eyes lower with weight and a smile tug at your lips. Eren looks over at you then back at the road.

"Lightweight." He says

"Am not." You say struggling to keep a straight face. He looks back over at you from the corner of his eyes which makes you burst out laughing and he laughs too.

"You're a bad liar Y/n" He says.

"You wouldn't know" You reply

After driving up a long hill he pulls off onto an unpaved road.

"Trying to murder me?" You ask. He just does a nose-exhale laugh and shakes his head. After a few moments of driving down the road you arrive at a beach.

"You know I live right across the road from the beach" You say

"On this side you can see the stars better." He says as he pulls his car to a hault on the road before the sand.

"I'm literally wearing pajama pants Eren." You say craning your neck to look at him.

"Relax I brought chairs." He says.

"They're still gonna get sandy" You say.

"Ill carry you." He replies and gets out of the car and goes to the trunk, grabbing a couple fold out chairs and swings them over his shoulder by the straps. You stay sitting in place and then he opens your car door. He leans down and places one hand on your lower thigh.

"Grab on" He says with a straight face, indicating for you to wrap your arm around the back of his neck so you do. He swiftly picks you up bridal style and walks down the beach. When he gets closer to the water, nearby what seems like a bonfire spot, he takes his arm thats holding your legs and pushes you up more so onto his shoulder. Just like he did at the party. Then with his other arm he sets the chairs out onto the sand and he bends down, slipping you gently onto one of the seats. 

"Hold on, don't set your feet down yet." He instructs and walks back to his car. You sit there with your legs extended outwards. He quickly returns with a towel and spreads it out in front of your chair for you to set your feet on. He then takes a lighter and some fluid and lights the bonfire set in front of you and sits down next to you. You both sit in comfortable silence for a moment.

Who is this? The Eren you know is an arrogant fuckboy that doesn't even remember the names of the women he plays. This has to be some sort of ruse you think to yourself.

"So, why did you tell people we hooked up?" You say

"I didn't" He responds. You decide not to question further as you look up at the sky and admire how many stars you can see from this point. Eren looks at you as you look at the sky.

"I love outer space. Helps remind me how insignificant things are on earth." You say

"That's one way of looking at it" He says.

"Is that not how you see it?" You ask as you look over at him.

"How big the universe is can either make you feel at peace with insignificance, or it can make you feel at peace with the fact that what happens here is all that matters." He says. You hum in response and ponder his words for a moment.

"So how does it make you feel then?" You ask.

"The opposite as you." He says

The bonfire grows larger and embers fall past you both, It's pretty.

"Why did you want to take me here?" You ask.

"Figured everyone else would be sleeping." He says

"You're a bad liar too." You say with a small laugh which makes the corners of his lips turn upwards slightly too. You both sit and watch the stars for a while.

"We are gonna be so fucked waking up in the morning." You say.

"Then lets just stay up all night so it's not as bad." He says. You lower your gaze and look at him

"We'll stay here until the stars go away?" You ask

"Yeah." He replies softly. After a while of listening to the waves crash onto the shore you speak

"Why did you come to Paradis?" You ask him

"Probably the same reason as you." He replies.

"Oh and why do you think I came here?" You ask with a smirk

"To escape." He says, still staring at the sky.

"So you came to escape then?" You ask him.

"Did you?" He says

"Pretty much." You say. 

You both sit in each others company for a while.

"Why did your dad really drug test you? If you don't mind me asking." He says

"You want my honest answer? Because it's kinda depressing."

"Yes, I can tell you something depressing too if it makes you feel better." He says with a slight chuckle

"He tested me because my mom got into some hard shit and ended up killing herself" Eren is silent for a few moments and looks down at the sand

"Fuck. I'm sorry"

"It's alright" You didn't like talking about that kind of stuff because you didn't want to ever be seen as the sad girl with a troubled past. There was more to you than that. But there was no point in lying.

"Well you gotta at least hold up your end of the deal" You say

"I lost my mom too. A freak accident, our house collapsed." He says

"I'm sorry Eren." You say. There's never the right thing to say in these conversations.

You both stare up at the stars and actually enjoy the vulnerability of the moment. It's something about staring up at that endless sky that makes you feel like no one is a stranger. Eren's fingers brush against yours and neither of you move from that position, listening to the waves crash until the stars regrettably begin to fade and you strangely feel it was too soon. He carries you back to the car and sets everything else back in the trunk. On the drive home you find yourself with a strange feeling, like Eren might not be who you thought he was.

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