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(Feeding my children with two chapters today heheh)

You just sat there at the bar dumbfounded. Literally one party and I've made a reputation for myself and even my own friend thinks I'm a liar and a slut? Connie and Sasha have to believe me at least. You think to yourself.

There's something satisfying about the thought of living up to your new reputation though. You did after all somewhat strip in front of a huge crowd of people and indirectly called yourself a slut as revenge. You can't help but let your mind wander what it would feel like to prove everyone calling you a slut right. When two guy friends fuck the same guy they're "eskimo brothers" like it's some cool rite of passage, but god forbid a woman even think about it.

You have always believed in girl code, but Mikasa switching up on you and calling you names like that when you didn't even do anything is what triggered these thoughts in your mind. I'm not a bad person right? You thought to yourself. You struggled with this new image of yourself and what you were planning to do about it.

Zeke snapped you out of your thoughts. "I was half expecting to see a cat fight, Your friend didn't look too happy" He said with a chuckle. You rolled your eyes and finished your drink. You decided to leave without paying, Zeke can cover your bill as tax for being annoying.

When you got back to your apartment you decided to speak with Connie and Sasha, you told them everything, what really happened with Eren that night, what your ex said, what you did by the pool, and what just happened with Mikasa. They sat on the couch dumbfounded

"Why am I the last to find out about all of this crazy shit you did?" Sasha said

"Yeah I had to hear a bunch of rumors about you and I didn't know what to believe" Connie says.

"So you guys believe me right?" You ask

"I mean, why did you do that whole "If i did fuck him" bit? I mean don't be mad at me but that definitely didn't help your case..." Sasha explains

"I just said that out of anger, but I mean I am right though. I don't think she would have any right to be mad at me even if I did." You say

"Ruthless" Connie adds between shoveling chips into his face, Sasha smacks his hands away and reaches for some chips as well.

"Ugh just tell me you guys believe me?" You sigh

"Of course we do, idiot. We've only been your friends since elementary school" Connie says and you feel a great sense of relief.

"What he said. Plus, even if you did I wouldn't judge. I'm not the sex police." Sasha says and you laugh.

"Okay, good. I'm gonna head to bed then. Goodnight guys" You say as you stand and head to your room, they call out "Good night" back to you. Once you make it to your room you lay on the bed and pull out your phone. Now wtf am I gonna do about Eren lying... or did Mikasa make that up to make me confess? You wondered. Whatever I'll deal with that tomorrow. You took your phone and blocked Mikasa's number, you were always one to hold a grudge and if there were any amends to be made, it would be in the form of an apology from her. You slowly drifted to sleep.

You wake up to your alarm on time this morning and get ready for class with professor Ackerman, luckily you were able to finish that dumb essay he assigned you yesterday so you could turn it in early, also you ordered the textbook you were missing so everything was supposed to go smoothly now. 

Once you made it to class you sat next to Jean once again and you realized you had almost missed that Vanilla cologne of his and your mind drifted back to what he said to you at the party. "I don't want to tell you whats on my mind when I look at you. Not yet" You smirked as you watched him innocently jot down notes in class and you wondered what it really is that he thinks about you. You watched as he twiddled his pen between his long fingers and the way his veins traced his large hands and up his arms. Then your thought was interrupted by the end of class.

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