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After your kiss with Jean you both enjoyed the peaceful view of the bustling city beneath you. The once loud chaos on the streets now fell quiet. After a while of enjoying each others peaceful company, you felt it was time to head home. You climbed down the ferris wheel with ease, of course he climbed first so you would feel safe with him below you. He walked you back to where he parked his car and opened the passenger door for you and drove off towards your apartment.

When yall arrived at your apartment he parked and looked over to you.

"I really had a great night tonight." He told you sincerely as he turned down the radio

"Maybe if I decide to keep you around there will be more like it." You said with a wink and you exited his car. You walked to the entrance of your apartment and turned around to wave at him and blow him a kiss, which you saw through his windshield made him smile.

As you entered your apartment you saw that Connie and Sasha were unfortunately still sound asleep. You quietly made it to your bedroom and changed into something comfortable. As you laid on the bed your phone dinged with a text.

Eren: Good night.

You stared at the message for a moment and all of the memories of the beach with Eren rushed back. You felt a pit form in your stomach. Your mind then focused to tonight with Jean.

You tried to focus on falling asleep, but you weren't able to because of all the occurrences that have taken place in the past few days since you've moved here. You turned on your favorite comfort show and eventually drifted to sleep.

The next day you woke up with a strange feeling of dread. The overthinking of last night had not subsided overnight like you expected it to. You got dressed a bit more lazily than usual, in sweatpants and an oversized tee. You then went to the kitchen to find Sasha cooking breakfast.

"Ooo just in time sleepyhead!" She exclaimed. Connie sat on the stool next to you and looked over with dead eyes.

"I see someone had some fun last night" Connie said.

"Yeah, You and Sash partied hard last night I saw." You replied.

"I saw you in Jeans private story on snapchat last night dummy." Connie said as he bit into a piece of toast.

"What?!" You asked and immediately snatched Connies phone off the counter, you had memorized his password since he has used the same pin for everything since you were kids and you unlocked his phone to view Jeans story. 

It was a video from the top of the ferris wheel. Panning over the skyline of the city however, your hand can be seen grasping the wall of the cab.

"I'm not even in this what do you mean?" You ask Connie while showing him the story on his phone. He points to it

"You never take off that ring." He says, and you realize that your mothers signature ring can clearly be seen on your hand in the video. You drop your forehead into your palm.

"What's wrong? Trying to keep Jean as your dirty little secret?" Connie said with a teasing voice

"Clearly I'm not succeeding." You replied

"Jean's hot you should be happy." Sasha chimed in. 

"No comment." You said as you stood up and grabbed your bag and headed out the door to class. Once you made it there you sat down in your usual spot next to Jean and paid full attention to professor Ackerman this time. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Jean's phone light up with a notification and you unintentionally read

"Mikasa: Ok I'll see you tonight then <3" You read and for some reason you felt uneasy.

You found it difficult to focus on the rest of class after seeing that. 

When you left class you surprisingly didn't have any unpleasant interactions with your professor for once but you did feel his eyes on you as you walked away. What is his problem? You wondered. 

Jean walked alongside you outside. "There's gonna be another party tonight at Mikasa's. You should come." Jean said. 

You laugh "You know she despises me right?"

"All the more reason to come." He said with a smirk as he looked down at you. You shook your head

"I'll think about it." You say 

"Atta girl" He said to you as he pat you on the head and turned to walk in the direction of his next class. You kept walking and stopped to get a coffee at the cafe on campus.

You stood in line and eventually ordered your coffee and went to sit at a table outside, the weather was really nice today, warm and sunny but with a steady breeze blowing in from the beach. You decided to take it in and put in your headphones and read. After a while you felt someone yank one of your earbuds out and you whipped your head around to see Eren towering over you.

"Ignoring my texts?" He said as he moved to sit in the chair across from you, He was wearing silver rings on his fingers and he had on a grey long sleeve shirt with black jeans, you could see the outline of his muscles through his sleeves. He also had on a silver chain that had a key at the end of it. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and put one to his lips and lit it.

"Why do you care?" You said plainly

"Are you bipolar or something?" He said raising his lowered greenish-blue eyes to look at you

"Fuck is that supposed to mean?" You ask, crossing your arms in front of you narrowing your eyes at him

"You were all over me the other night and now you wanna play hard to get?" He said with a smirk. Suddenly you realized he was trying to get a rise out of you on purpose.

"When was that? Because if i remember correctly, that never happened." You said

"Oh, you know, just when we fucked." He said openly, and a couple passer-bys turned their heads to look at the both of you. Eren smiled and casually leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table, his eyes on you. He was fucking with you.

"I hate you." You said staring back at him.

"I hate you too." He said with a smirk, standing up, the smell of his cologne being carried by the breeze. He walked over to your side and placed his hand under your chin, turning your head up to meet his gaze as he towered over you.

"Text me." He said and he walked away, putting his headphones on.

You felt stupid butterflies in your stomach from him touching you and you force yourself to ignore the feeling. You throw the rest of your coffee away and head back home. You see Sasha, still in the kitchen, making something else to eat now. and you go to talk to her

"Jean invited me to Mikasa's tonight." You said, leaning back onto the counter

Sasha looked at you questioningly "No way you're gonna go? Are you?" She said

"I didn't want to at first. But now I'm thinking it might be kinda hilarious. Wanna go with me?" You said

"You better not expect me to get jumped with you." She said and you laughed

"All right, I'm gonna go get ready. Wear something cute with me." You said with a wink and went to your room to do your makeup for the party.

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