The hotel

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(This chapter may sort of romanticize drug use. Just as a warning <3)

When Eren parked at the hotel you both walked inside. It was a quaint, yet nice hotel. It was in the middle of nowhere so it seemed like there weren't very many guests. It had a bit of an older, rustic design. Eren walked alongside you to the front desk. No one was there but there was a little bell on the counter so you tapped it. 

You shifted in place waiting for a worker to come, after a few minutes a tired-looking grumpy old man emerged from the door behind the desk. He was bald and had one of those faces that just looks like he's perpetually angry. His name tag read "Shadis". He spoke in a raspy bored voice

"Can I help you?" He said

"We want to book a room for the night" Eren said, handing the man his credit card

"Single or double bed?" He asked

Eren looked to you for a second and went to speak to the man but you interrupted.

"We will just do a single please." You didn't want him to have to pay any extra for another bed.

Eren smirked and looked down at you and you rolled your eyes. The man handed Eren a room key and told you your room number. You both walked away towards the stairs and up them to your floor. When you made it to your room it was cozy and smelled like wood. There was a single king-sized bed, a couch, and a mini fridge with little wine coolers in it. You realized that neither of you had extra clothes since you decided to do this on a whim.

"Ah shit, I should've thought to stop and buy some clothes to sleep in." You said, plopping down on the bed.

"If you wanna sleep naked I won't complain." Eren said teasingly as he sat down on the bed next to you, he dropped his bag on the floor and you saw a little baggy with white powder in it fall out. Eren immediately leaned down to put it back in his bag, hoping you hadn't noticed.

"What's it feel like?" You asked. He stopped and furrowed his brows and turned to look at you.

"What does what feel like?" Eren said

"Coke. What does it feel like?" You said

He sighed and pushed a couple strands of his hair out of his face as he layed down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling

"Honestly it's one of the best feelings i've ever had" He said

You hummed in response and layed back as well, and looked up at the ceiling.

"I wanna try it." You said after a few moments of silence. Eren turned his head to you, he had his eyes narrowed at you with a serious expression on his face.

"No fucking way." He said

"Ugh what are you? My dad?" You said with a laugh, turning your head on the comforter to face him. 

"You're stupid." He said plainly

"I feel like being stupid right now." You said with a smile

"What happened to you hating drugs or whatever?" He said with an eyebrow raised

"It's not like one time would kill me." You said. He bit his lip and thought for a moment and sat back up.

"You want me to corrupt you?" He said with a smirk. You sat back up too and faced him. 


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"Yeah." You said with a smile meeting your face. He shook his head and reached into his bag

"Fuck it." He said under his breath as he pulled the bag out. he tossed it onto the table and stood up, your eyes watched him as he sat his long legs onto the couch and leaned forward, his veiny hands pulling the tiny bag open and pouring the contents out. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet and grabbed his credit card. He began to form the cocaine into a couple thin lines and swept the excess back into the bag.

"Alright. Just watch me first okay?" He said, raising his lowered eyes to look at you. He then focused his attention back to the table and he rolled up a dollar bill and leaned over, he inhaled through his nose as he held his right nostril shut and he took in the line. He leaned back up and placed the back of his hand to his nose.

"It's gonna burn alright?" He said, looking up at you. You stood up and walked over to him and sat next to him on the couch

"Shit im nervous" You said, staring down at the table

"You'll be alright." He said, looking over at you. You nodded and pushed your hair out of the way as you leaned down, you felt him grab your hair, he gently held you hair back out of the way for you. You did exactly as he did and took the line. You coughed and scrunched your face up

"Ew why do I taste it?" You said with a disgusted look on your face and Eren laughed

"It's called the drip, It'll go away in a second." He said as he stood up and walked over the the mini fridge. He crouched down and opened it, grabbing a couple little wine coolers and he brought them back to the table. He set one down in front of you and he opened his and chugged the whole thing in a matter of seconds

"So what do we do now?" You asked with a smile as you looked up at him

"You wanna go to the bar and play some pool?" He asked. 

You nodded and stood up, you suddenly felt the effects of the drug rush through your body and you felt excited for whatever the night had to bring. The coke made all your anxiety go away and you felt like doing whatever your impulses tell you tonight.

Since Eren knew you were wearing a skirt, and a small top. He lifted his hoodie over his head, revealing his lower abs as he did before his undershirt fell back into place. He handed the hoodie to you. It smelled like his usual minty scent and you gratefully pulled it over your head. You grabbed the wine cooler Eren had left for you on the table and before he opened the front door to your hotel room he turned back to look at you.

"You coming or what?" He said.

You put the drink up to your lips and chugged it down as he did. You nodded your head as you placed the bottle back down and sighed

"Okay lets go." You said.

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