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Everything next was a blur, bright lights and then the darkness as it felt like hours before I was fully awake. It was scary and terrifying as I wanted to live, I wanted to see my parents again. My friends were...I don't remember it...I wonder what got me in this predicament.

"The surgery was a success, please come this way ma'am. We need you to sign out these papers before everything else." A voice said as I felt dizzy and nauseous, I opened my eyes as I found myself on a hospital bed.

"ugh...what happened?" I groaned as my voice was a lot more quieter than before, I looked around to find no one here.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out as no one answered, I touched my face to feel bandages covering them as I cried. Why? Why? Why did this happen? I sobbed as I couldn't comprehend anything

"Aubrey?" Someone called out as I turned to look at the doorway, a boy with jet black hair stood there with a worried look as he walked toward me.

"Sunny?" I blurted out his name as he flinched

"I'm...sorry, it was all my fault and-"

"No! It was just...why were both of you fighting in the first place?" I asked him as a I needed this to be answered, I just didn't understand as I waited for him to talk.

"...I was done with all of it." Sunny said as I was just confused

"Huh?" I responded as Sunny began to raise his voice in rage

"I couldn't handle it anymore! Mari just kept saying to try harder when I was already doing my best! At first, it wasn't so bad until I started messing up more and more because of my torn fingers which I kept a secret because I didn't want Mari to cancel her recital because of me! I knew how much she was looking forward to it and now it's all ruined! IT WAS MY FAULT THAT YOU GOT HURT AND I HATE IT! I just...I don't know what to do anymore...I'm really sorry Aubrey." Sunny cried as he hugged me, I felt pity but also another feeling that was very warm. We were the same in some ways or another and I felt that I wasn't alone, but that soon changed. Sunny came to visit me everyday in the hospital by himself until I was discharged, I was leaping with joy but Sunny never came to see me again. I went to ask Mari who seemed very shocked to hear about the last few weeks of my stay at the hospital to my discharge as she said Sunny had ran away during that time. I was surprised to hear about it as I noticed Sunny seemed to look more skinnier and pale, why did I only realize just now? I felt stupid as I ran to look for him but only to end back up at the park where I spilled out most of my worries on to him. I never asked how he was doing, he only thought about my well being before himself. I could feel myself crying once more as I went back home to a violent household. I headed straight to my room as I hid myself under the blanket and slept in for the night. I woke up the next morning feeling a bit better than yesterday, what should I do today? Option 1, go see Mari. Option 2, check on how Hero and Kel were doing. Option 3, what was Basil up to?

"Agh...this is so frustrating..." I groaned with a sigh as I took the ladder out the window to get down to the backyard before climbing over the fence. I'll go see Mari today, if I have time. Maybe I'll go see Basil for a bit, I wonder how Sunny's doing. I arrived at the front door of Mari's house after a lot of walking as I knocked on the door for someone to open it.

"Who is it?" A voice called out as Sunny's mom came into view, she looked tired and restless as I could tell why.

"It's Aubrey, ma'am. How's Mari? Is she okay?" I asked as Mrs. Suzuki didn't say anything other than a look of regret

"She's currently sleeping...I don't know if she'll come out to meet you but, you can try to talk to her." Mrs. Suzuki offered as she let me inside, I made it to the staircase where it had all happened. The memory hit like a storm of thunder as I felt afraid, I closed my eyes as I walked up the stairs as I opened my eyes every few steps to see how far I gotten. I didn't know why, but it felt like 'something' was watching me which made everything so ominous. I finally reached the top of the stairs as I went to check Mari's room, I knocked on the door waiting for a answer as nobody came.

"Mari? It's me, Aubrey. Are...you okay? I'm not...the best at this, but I'll try my best." I said weakly as I stood in front of the door in anticipation, beyond the door was a sound of rustling with a few steps which soon came to a stop.

"Mari...? Is that you?" I asked as I was a bit surprised from her appearance, her once gorgeous black hair was now a mess as she didn't seem to want to talk. Was that really Mari?

"...Aubrey? Is this about Sunny?" Mari sighed as she went back inside her room, shutting the door behind her.

"N-No! I just wanted to spend some time with you, didn't we promise we dye our hair together?" I said quickly as this got me no more than a few minutes of silence before Mari spoke to me again

"...Alright, so...where are going?" Mari asked as she wore the outfit she used most, it matched what Sunny used to wear but with a dark reddish, violet skirt and a red bowtie. 

"How about Hero and Kel's? We can all go see Basil after that, to...look at the photo album together." I said in a awkward tone as Mari seemed to be glaring at me

"Fine, let's go." Mari groaned as I walked down the stairs, I turned to look back as Mari hadn't taken a single step down with fear etched across her face.

"Mari, I can help if you want." I said as Mari looked at me, I walked back up as I grasped her hand in a tight grip as we walked down together. Mari trembled less as we soon made it to the bottom, it felt weird how our roles were switched now.

"Thank you..." Mari said as I noticed she was a bit flustered, maybe everything could go back to the way it was...without Sunny. The thought came to me as I was saddened and disappointed, there's no use now. I walked alongside Mari as we made it down the road, we approached Hero and Kel's house as we knocked on the door to Kel greeting us.

"Mari! Aubrey! I was worried I wouldn't see you guys after what happened, Hero's upstairs but...well he needs some time. So what did you guys come here for?" Kel asked in a more mature manner than I ever seen him in, it surprised me a lot actually. To the point I didn't believe it at all

"We came to see you guys, we were hoping that if you guys would join us on going to Basil's house to take a look at the photo album." I said as I tried smiling as Kel giggled

"I'll go tell Hero, I'm sure he'll be able really happy. Come inside while you wait."  Kel said with his signature grin as he ran up the stairs, we went to sit down at the couch while we waited for them to arrive. After a couple minutes after staring at the clock, Hero and Kel came downstairs.

"I finally managed to convince Hero to join us! Now let's go see Basil!" Kel said cheerfully as Hero seemed shocked, I turned to Mari who looked lost in her thoughts the two stared at each other. I should give them a moment...

"Guys? Are we going or not?" Kel asked as his head peeked through the door

"Kel! Can't you see?" I said to him as I made a gesture at Mari and Hero who where both looking a bit red

"Huh? What are you talking about Aubrey?" Kel said as it was always so obnoxiously annoying to talk to him

"Never mind..." I sighed as when we were all ready, we started heading towards Basil's house. It was really silent during the walk as Kel was the only one talking with Hero and Mari staring at each other awkwardly which just made the atmosphere feel weird. I felt like I was out of place as I started speeding up the pace, we eventually made it to Basil's as I knocked upon the door. 

"Who's there?" A familiar voice had said as it was Basil who opened the door, he seemed startled to see us before letting us in.

"So, Basil. How have you been?" Kel asked as Basil didn't answer as he looked like he was thinking about something, perhaps about Sunny.

"Nothing much...so, what did you guys come here for?" Basil asked, getting straight to the point. It was a brief silence before I spoke up

"I wanted us...to look at the photo album all together, even if Sunny isn't here. That way, we can always keep him in our memories. Please, Basil. We're your friends too, aren't we?" I said as Basil looked at me with solemn eyes as he went to his room as he came back with a green colored book in his hand

"Alright...here you go everyone. There's not much, but I hope it helps." Basil said as we all looked at the pages, a series of memories played through my head as I felt myself crying. But I wasn't alone, we all sobbed throughout memory lane as the night was spent at Basil's. We all caught up with each other as I knew things would change, hopefully for the better. It was a restless night, but I managed to get some sleep as I drifted off into the darkness.

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