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Who wouldn't remember that day? Why...why was it always like this? The dreams...they just couldn't...STOP. 



"Sunny, you don't seem well..." Basil said worriedly, concern showing on his face, I just smiled though. 

"Yeah, it's just a small head migraine..." I told Basil who nodded, but he was still frowning worriedly, was there a way I could persuade him? Just when I thought that, someone came. 

"There you two are! Huff..." Aubrey's voice shouted from behind us, we were currently in one of the aisles in OtherMart. 

'Aubrey? What does she-' 

When I turned around, Aubrey was drenched in sweat, head to toe. Basil had placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me a wink along with a thumbs up as he ran away with a smirk. 

'What the. HECK. Is that supposed to mean?!' 

I panicked, did Aubrey want to even see me after what I did? It was my fault that situation happened...what if-

"Sunny, I wanna talk. Please." Aubrey said, a pleading look on her face as my heart thumped, it made me realize that...

'Oh no, I still...have a crush on her?!' 


'Sunny...I hope you have a good time.' 

I left Sunny alone with Aubrey, hoping they would sort their situation out. If they could, of course...

'Should...I go back? But I don't wanna ruin it! It's like one of those romantic scenes in a novel!' 

I was really into books nowadays, if I hadn't mentioned it before. Besides gardening, I secretly had a hobby of reading novels...only Kel knew though...but he wasn't the best at keeping secrets nor remembering things...

'Which is why I'm glad no one has found out yet...' 

"I guess...I should look around for a while since I'm by myself now..." I muttered, walking faster and checking the aisles.


"Look, Sunny. I forgive you, alright? So, can we just...talk for a bit?" I asked Sunny who looked nervous from my perspective, he was sweating a bit, was that because of the stuffy clothes he was wearing? He also looked...a bit red for some reason...and that was when a familiar memory hit me. 

'Aubrey! What do you think?' 

'Sunny...that looks so cute on you!' 

'Are your ears red again? Hehe...you're always like this whenever we're together.' 

A horrifying thought entered my mind as my whole face turned a deep shade of red, I could feel the smoke rising from my eardrums. 

'UGH...! Stupid childish me who's so embarrassing...!' 

"U-Um...what did you want to talk about?" Sunny said, seeming panicked. I tried calming down as I came closer to him

"...Why did you run off? Where did you go? What were you doing for the past four years?" I asked, Sunny didn't answer and instead diverted his gaze to the ground. 

'So...he can't tell me, is that it?' 

"Sunny..." I called his name in a more softer voice, one more familiar instead of the tough act I usually have on. Sunny looked surprised, shocked even, but if this could make him...

"We...we were all worried about you. I don't know about Hero...but, I'm sure he's gotten over it by now with your sister's help. So...come back to us, so that we can all be together again, so that..." I began to say determinedly, conviction in my eyes, confidence in my voice as I would say something I didn't want answered but had to say it anyway to get it off my chest. 

"...I can tell you that I needed you...like when we were kids..." I blushed heavily, sweat dripping from my face as it fell to the floor. I was nervous, flustered, and embarrassed. I was also scared, frightened of what Sunny might say. 

'The worst he could say is...no, right?' 

"Aubrey, I-" 


Pain. Unbearable hurt. A burning and fresh feeling of some hot liquid falling down my stomach. Smoke, my vision blurry. Gun fire?

'Shit...Sunny...he was always...the baby of the group...' 

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