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The clock struck 4 am, and a hushed silence enveloped the mansion. Everyone was still lost in the depths of sleep, oblivious to the thoughts that plagued my mind.

With cautious steps, I slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb Taehyung's slumber. Thoughts raced through my head, questions echoing in the corridors of my mind. What was the significance of the dream? What message did it hold?

As I approached the garden, the moon cast an ethereal glow, casting long, ghostly shadows across the landscape. The guards patrolled in the distance, their presence a reminder of the secrets hidden within the confines of the estate.

Taking a deep breath, I slipped past the guards, my heart pounding with each step closer to the unknown. The garden held an air of enchantment, as if the flowers whispered ancient secrets and the trees swayed to the rhythm of forgotten tales.

My eyes fixated on a structure in the distance—a tiny cabin, identical to the one I had seen in my haunting dream. Its presence sent a chill down my spine, confirming that this was no mere coincidence.

Reaching the door of the tiny cabin, I hesitated for a moment, the weight of the dream lingering in my mind. With trembling hands, I pushed it open, revealing a realm of darkness and uncertainty, just as I had witnessed in my sleep.

Dust particles floated in the air, and a musty scent hung around me. My phone's flashlight cut through the darkness, revealing remnants of the past.

As I cautiously explored the room, my eyes scanned the forgotten relics and dusty remnants of the past. Amongst the decaying artifacts, a glimmer caught my attention—a worn-out diary resting on a weathered wooden table. Its label, marked with the name "Gyeong," instantly sent a surge of intrigue through me.

A hushed gasp escaped my lips as I reached for the diary, carefully cradling it in my hands. The weight of its significance seemed to emanate from within its faded pages. This could be the clue I had been seeking, a portal into the secrets concealed within the shadows.

Without hesitation, I decided to take the diary with me. I sensed that it held vital pieces of the puzzle, fragments of a forgotten history that begged to be unveiled. Clutching it tightly, I vowed to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden within its fragile pages.

Leaving the room behind, I made my way back to the safety of my bedroom, where Taehyung slumbered peacefully. With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, I tucked the diary away, safeguarding it in the depths of my cupboard. The click of the lock reverberated in the silence, sealing its secrets within.

Climbing into bed beside him, I nestled into his warmth, finding comfort in the steady rise and fall of his chest. As sleep beckoned, I whispered into the quiet darkness, a vow to myself and to the mysteries that awaited.

"I am sorry Taehyung, but this is probably for the best."


As I stirred from sleep, my eyes fluttered open to find an empty space beside me. Confusion washed over me as I glanced at the clock, which read 7 am. Where could Taehyung be at this hour? The sound of running water reached my ears, drawing my attention towards the en-suite washroom.

Sitting up in bed, my mind immediately returned to the diary I had discovered. Its secrets weighed heavily on my thoughts, fueling my curiosity and caution. I was tempted to retrieve it from the cupboard and delve deeper into its pages, but just as I reached out, the washroom door swung open.

Taehyung emerged, a towel wrapped around his waist, his damp hair falling slightly onto his forehead. Startled, I quickly withdrew my hand, a guilty expression flickering across my face.

Silent Whispers | jjk & kth | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now