Chapter Two

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Allie dragged me away from the dining room and after passing a few doors Allie pulled me into a music room

"Wow," I said

"You know how to play anything?" Allie asked

I smiled and sat down at the window piano. I closed my eyes and started playing Lonely by Noah Cyrus

"That is amazing," Allie said as I played

I stopped when the door went open

"Don't stop, please," Victoria said and closed the door behind her

"They still fighting?" Allie asked her mother

"Yeah," Victoria said and sat next to me

"Let's get to know each other," Allie said making me look out the window and play with my fingers

"You don't have to tell us anything you aren't comfortable with telling," Victoria said

"I'll make it easy for the first few," Allie said and then asked, "Favourite movie?"

"I only watched one movie at a Cinema a long time ago I couldn't even remember the name," I said

"Tv show?" Allie asked shock

"Isn't that the same as a movie?" I asked and by the expression on their faces told me it wasn't

"No, not quite," Victoria said

"Oh sorry," I said and lowered my head and hitting my nails

"Hey, it's okay. Umh favourite colour?" Allie asked

"Black," I said

"Cool mine is Pink," Allie said smiling

"Who hurt you?" Victoria asked

I looked at her before looking down

"Nobody. I'm clumsy. And the scars were because of a car accident that I had years back," I lied

"Lie," Allie said making me look at her

"It's the truth," I said and jumped a bit when something started to ring. It was Allie's phone.

I stood up and sighed

"You must be tired why don't I show you to a too where you can get some sleep," Victoria said

"I don't sleep. Thanks though," I said

"You don't sleep?" Allie and Victoria asked concerned

"Yup," I said and added, "I just can't sleep no matter what I try,"

"You have Insomnia?" Allie asked

I just shrugged and sat on the floor near the huge window and looked at the beautiful rain outside

"Okay I'll be right back," Victoria said before leaving. I listen to the sound of the rain and closed my eyes

"It's peaceful," Allie said making me open my eyes to see she sat down in front of me

"How old are you?" I asked

"I turned 18 yesterday," She said

"Cool," I said and looked back outside

"What's your favourite thing to do?" she asked

"Being alone in the dark and just thinking," I said

"Mine is reading," She said after a few seconds of shocked silence

"What do you read?" I asked

"Many things. I just finished this amazing book Family Secrets by Amie De Beer on Wattpad. The writer is sort of good and I loved the book," She said

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