Chapter Thirty

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When I woke up in the hospital room I looked around scared and worried

"She's awake," I heard Ares say making me look over to my right

Matteo immediately stood up and held my hand

"Where is he? Where is Blake?" I asked worried

"He's fine. He's in a NICU right now he's struggling a bit to breathe because his lungs weren't fully developed. The doctors are doing all they can to save him," Matteo said

I started crying with the fear in me for my baby's safety

Matteo hugged me and said, "He'll be okay my love. He'll be just fine,"

"Hey, we came straight from the airport. How is he?" I heard Ace asked

"How is Luna?" Allie asked

"Blake is in a NICU his lungs weren't fully developed and Luna just found out so she's still progressing with what happened," Jay said

"Where are the kids?" Allie asked 

"They are at home with Miranda and her daughter is watching them," Ares said

"Hey honey bug," Dad said sitting down on the bed

I pulled away from Mattek and once he saw my face he gave me a small smile and said, "Blake will be fine he has his mother and father's stubbornness in him so he won't give up without a fight. He'll make it through,"

"Doc," Hades said making us all look at the door

"Hello everyone. I came with good news. Blake your little boy is doing good. He is breathing all on his own now and through the night he's vitals didn't drop once. You have a strong kid," Doc said

"Thank god," I said and Matteo hugged me smiling

"Thank you, doctor. When can we see him?" Dad asked

"Right now. Unfortunately, he still needs to stay in the NICU for some time but he wanted to see his mother and father," A nurse said coming in with Black

"My Baby," I said pushing Matteo away so my baby could be placed next to me

"He's so small," I said looking at Matteo

"He's beautiful," Matteo said smiling at me

"He looks just like Luna," Allie said

I smiled even through the tears. My name boy looked so fragile.

"Okay, guys why don't we give them space and go home? We'll bring the kids late to visit. Congrats on the baby," Uncle Herold said

"Thanks, Uncle," Matteo said before they all left

Matteo got on the bed behind me and held me as we looked at our son

"I'm sorry," I said

"About what baby?" Matteo asked

"This is my fault. Our son..." I said with tears in my eyes

"Baby this isn't your fault. Things like this just happen. You did not do this," Matteo said hugging me tightly and kissing my head as I cried

After calming down I fell asleep in Matteo's arms

~~~A year later~~~

Two my baby boy Blake had his first birthday. The triplets are two years old and Emilio is four years old.

The boys keep us busy. Ares and Jay had two sons as well Colby and Gillian. Colby is four like Emilio and Gillian just turned one and a half

Matteo and I are leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow morning and we are heading to Peru and the Rio.

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