Chapter Twenty

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Last on Luna...

"Well, congratulations Matteo, Luna. The heartbeats are strong and healthy," Julia said

"Heartbeats?" Luna asked

"Yup, heartbeats. You are having... triplets," Julia said


"Triplets?!" I practically yelled

"Congratulations, both of you," Julia said smiling

"Damn, three. You are giving me three children," Matteo said and then kissed me

"Three kids," I said still in shock

"You want to know the sex?" Julia asked

"You can tell it already?" Ares asked

"Yeah," Julia said as she looked at me and Matteo

"Tell me I can throw them a gender party," Ares said and smiled at us

"Is that okay with you two?" Julia asked

"Yeah it's fine we'll wait outside," I said as I got up

Matteo and I left the room and waited for Ares to come out. Once he came out he looked happy and smiled at us before asking, "Shall we go home and share the happy news?"

Matteo smiled before leading us out of this place. Once we got outside we got into Matteo's car and he drove us home while I sat in the passenger seat and Ares sat in the back.

"We're having triplets. Three babies," I said as I looked at Matteo

"We'll have to buy more stuff for the nursery," he said

"And more clothes and other stuff for them," I said

"So you, Allie, and I can go shopping together," Matteo said

"We can all go," Ares said and added, "I'll need a few stuff for your party anyways,"

"Do I at least get one girl?" Matteo asked

"Can't say," Ares said

Matteo looked at Ares before looking at the road again.

"A hint at least?" Matteo asked

"No way," Ares said laughing

When we got home Allie came running out

"Mom's here she ain't leaving," Allie yelled as she came near us

"What?" Matteo asked

"She's yelling at Dad and her new boyfriend has a gun to Ace's head," She said frightened

"Ares keep my sister and yours in the car. Keep them safe," Matteo said before taking his gun and going inside

"Luna, get in the car," Ares said to me but I just kept looking at Matteo running inside

"Look Matteo will be okay," Ares said turning me around before adding, "Get in the car so you can be safe,"

"Ares go after him please," I said with a few tears in my eyes

"Get in the car first and lock it then I will," He said

I looked at him and got in with Allie before locking the door as I watched Ares go inside after him

"They'll be fine," Allie said like she was trying to convince herself

"Allie look at me. They'll be fine," I said

"Yeah I know," Allie said and hugged me

After a few minutes, we heard gunshots and we both flinched, screamed and cried.

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