Chapter Three

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The gunfire stopped and Luna looked outside to see many dead bodies. She didn't see Matteo, Hades or Diego here anymore

More cops stopped and everything happened so fast one minute she was hiding under a desk and the next a cop showed up in front of her and led her outside

"We're taking her to the precinct. She's still shocked," A cop said

"Sure question her. She might have seen something," Another one said but she didn't listen to their words she just looked at the dead bodies

Searching for the three. She was relieved that they weren't there. But also scared. What if one of them was hurt

The cops put her in the car before taking her to the precinct. Once they got there the cop took her to a room and started the questions

"Hey, my name is John Hobbs. Mind telling me your name and surname as well as what you saw?" The cop asked as Luna sat down

"Luna no last name. I'm an orphan. I work at the cafe part-time. I started working this morning and I was serving three guys when someone started shooting outside. We ran to the back and they got out but before I could I swear someone started shooting in the back so I stayed and hid. I didn't see anything," Luna said

"Okay, are you sure you didn't see anything? The place was pretty shot up. Not even a glimpse of the perps?" Hobbs asked

"No sir. I'm sorry," Luna lied

"Okay is there somewhere we can drop you off?" He asked her

"No thanks the orphanage is just around the corner I can walk," Luna said

"Okay then you can go officer Hen will lead you out," He said

Luna followed the other cop out and said thanks before she started walking

As she walked a car stopped next to her and she saw it was the three brothers.

"Good, you're alive. Now leave me alone," Luna said and walked on

"Luna get in," Diego said

Luna ignored him and walked further. Matteo got out of the car and grabbed her wrist and spun her around so she was facing him

"What did you tell those cops?" he asked

"I didn't see anything. When I heard the first shot I ran and hid," Luna said

"Good," Matteo said and dragged her to the car

"I'm not going to get in. You guys are killers," Luna said

"You said last night you didn't care," Matteo said smirking

Luna went to say something but nothing came out making the two in the car chuckle and Matteo's smirk even wider

"Fuck you," Luna said, "All of you. I'm grateful for last night and I think I just repaid you all by not stitching. Leave me alone now. I want nothing to do with any of you,"

She ripped her wrist out of his grip and started walking away.

She knew if she did go with them things would end up bad for her but leaving made her feel alone. She shook her head and said to herself, "You don't deserve love, you don't deserve good things. You like to be alone,"

When she got to the orphanage it was about 8 am. She walked in and the nuns looked at her but she ignored them. She went up to her room and grabbed everything she owned

As she went down she had one backpack on her back and a duffle bag in her hand

"Leaving? You're not even eighteen yet," The father said

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