Chapter Ten

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I woke up and saw it was already 2 am. I looked behind me and saw Matteo was asleep holding me by the waist.

I moved his hands slowly so he could sleep further before going to the bathroom to pee. Once I was done I went back to my room to see him on the phone talking to someone

"Fuck okay. Yeah, we'll leave today. My grandfather wouldn't mind us tagging along on his plane," I heard him say before he said, "I have to go. I'll call you back before we land,"

I looked at him as he smiled at me.

"So you're leaving already?" I asked

"We're leaving. I'm not leaving you here," He said

"Matteo my life is here. My job and my friends as well I can't just leave," I said

"You can find a new job and make new friends while you keep in contact with the people here," He said

"No. I'm not going. I'm sorry," I said

He looked a bit mad as he got on his clothes and before he could say or do something stupid he slammed my door shut as he left.

I stood frozen on my spot for a while before grabbing a long t-shirt and putting it on before going to my bed.

"Hey, everything okay? We saw Matteo leaving pissed as hell," Bash said coming in

"He had to leave. Work stuff so they'll be heading back," I said not looking at him

"What else?" Luke asked sitting next to me

"He told me to go with them but I said no,"

"Oh, angel. Why?" he asked

"Because this is my home now. This feels more like a home to me than any other has my whole life. I have a great job here and supporting best friends," I said

"Baby you know you can't stay here forever. I get that you don't like change but you need to start running your own life and let fear go. Let the things that happened in the past stay in the past. It's the only way you can move on with your life," Bash said

"He's right," Luke said before asking, "Do you love Matteo?"

"I don't know," I said

"Fine, do you think you can live without him and that you can see someone else that isn't him?" He asked

"No," I said

"Then go after him before it's too late. A guy can only wait so long before his lust gets the better of him and he moves on," Bash said

I shook my head saying, "I'm still not leaving. Yes, I love Matteo but I can't just up my life and move in with a stranger,"

"Yes, you can," They both said

"If he loves me then he'll come back or he'll stay in touch," I said

"Baby long distant relationships never work. Don't miss this opportunity. Go with him," Luke said

I shook my head and went to my bathroom before getting into the shower and getting cleaned up.

After I was done I dried myself off and got dressed. I took one look in the mirror before brushing my teeth

Once I was finished I grabbed my wallet and headed to the door

"Going to go after him?" Luke asked making me glare at him and say, "No I'm going to work,"

"Luna why?!" he whined

"Bye Luke," I said and left the apartment

As I walked down the street saw Allie coming toward me in a rush.  

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