Chapter Tewnty-Eight

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It's been 6 months now since Matteo proposed and the triplets are almost a year old. While Allie's son is almost seven and a half months old. Where else Emilio is almost 3

Matteo and I are almost finished with the wedding plans and I can't wait to be married to him.

When I woke up I got ready for the day before going downstairs. I entered the kitchen and a wave of nausea hit me just as I smelt the eggs

I immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"You okay?" Josh asked as he grabbed my hair

"Matteo your girl is sick," Hades yelled

"You got her pregnant again," Ares said

"What are you talking about?" Matteo asked as he took my hair from Josh before rubbing my back and asking, "Are you okay baby?"

"She came into the kitchen all fine and when she smelt the food she ran here," Ares said and added, "My sister never gets sick the only time she did was when she was pregnant with my nephews. You got my sister pregnant again!"

Once I stopped I looked at Matteo and saw his eyes were wide.

"We'll go buy you guys some pregnancy tests," Jay said chuckling

"I still have others in my room," I said before I washed my mouth out and ran to my and Matteo's room with him following

I opened my bedside table drawer and grabbed two tests from the five I had left before going into the bathroom and taking the tests

Once they were taken I went downstairs with Matteo

"So?" Hades asked

"We'll know in two minutes," I said sitting down with the tests in my hands

"Do you want more kids?" Hades asked

"Of course, I do I just didn't expect it to be so soon after we got the triplets," Matteo said

"You Luna?" Hades asked

"I want at least seven kids, Hades," I said smiling and added, "Guessing they'll be all close to the same age,"

"You're pregnant," Ares said

I nodded my head and smiled at Mattek who looked shocked as hell.

"I know it's soon and with the wedding coming up it might be a lot but..." I said but he stopped me by kissing me

"I'm fucking thrilled.  I'm going to be a dad again," He said and hugged me

Hope this time it's a girl though," Jay said before saying, "We also have news,"

"What is it?" Josh asked

"We are also having a kid. We got a surrogate to carry Ares's child. The surrogate is 6 months pregnant. We were going to tell you sooner but we were a but you know," Jay said

"Oh my god that is amazing," I said

"We are also in the progress of adopting a boy who's two. Same age as Emilio. He's just two days younger than Emilio," Ares said

"That is great news what's his name?" Matteo asked

"Colby," Ares and Jay said together

"I'm so happy for you guys," I said

"You two also got knew we should know?" Matteo asked Josh and Hades

"Nope," Hades said

"Oh okay, so Josh sneaking out of your room early morning is nothing?" Matteo asked

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