Chapter Thirteen

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I spent some time with Luke until he had to leave for work since his lunch break was over.

After he left Josh and I started talking about the last few years I didn't see them and what happened to them after they left. Even though I have lived with them for a month now I still didn't know because they were always gone.

As we were talking Diego and Matteo came in. I couldn't help but smile more before standing up and running straight into his arms

"Fuck I missed you," He said wrapping his arms around me

"What the hell is Joshua doing here?" Diego asked making Matteo look behind me angrily

"Don't please just sit down and talk," I asked taking Matteo's hand in mine

"Is he your brother?" Diego asked

"Yes in a way. He's one of my brother's best friends and he also grew up with us in the orphanage. He protected me like my other older brothers did," I said

"Fine we'll hear him out before I take you back with me," Matteo said

"Sure," I said smiling before I kissed him

"Enough let's talk, shall we?!" Josh said breaking us apart

Matteo glared at him before he sat down next to Diego. After he was seated he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly

"Ares has an idea of how we can beat the Americans. We don't want anything to do with those monsters any more since they are hunting for Luna as well now.

We managed to protect her by hiding her in the house for the past month but the American is starting to poke around. To save her we'll be asking for an alliance with you as well as the Spanish mafia and a few gangs we can trust," Josh said

"Why now. I mean Ares wouldn't do this for someone he grew up with at an orphanage," Diego said

"Ares is my biological brother. He is four years older than I am and he is doing this for me," I said

"Ares the blood thirst demon is your brother?" Matteo asked

"Yes he is her brother and that's not the only reason he's willing to put up with you," Josh said

"What other reason can there be? I mean he could wait and help the Americans take over our business and then destroy them so why not wait?" Diego asked

"Because Luna made him promise that Matteo would stay alive," Josh said

Matteo looked at me frowning before asking, "Why?"

"I don't want our baby to grow up without parents," I said making their eyes grow wide

"You are pregnant?" Diego asked as Matteo's hands and eyes went to my belly

"Yeah. I haven't been with anyone since our night together," I said to Matteo which made him look up into my eyes

"I can't believe this. You are pregnant with my baby," He said happily

I nodded my head smiling before he kissed me.

"Okay I guess we have no choice now but to agree to the alliances" Diego said

"I'm going to be a father," Matteo said smirking

"So what's the plan? And why are they after Luna?" Matteo asked

"They know she's your weakness. I don't know how but they're hunting for her and your sister," Josh said

"Henderson. Hades said he was here when we were and he tried to trick Luna into thinking he was her father," Diego said looking at us

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