Chapter Thirty-Two

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It's been a few years. After Allie's funeral Hades, Josh Hades' fiancee, Diego, Dad, Grandpa, Ace and his boys went home again to Italy. Dad has come and visited but not the rest because it brought up memories from that night.

Matteo bought us another house that we moved into soon after they left.

The kids have grown up and Bellamy is almost four now. She loves running around with her brothers and they love playing with her. Matteo has been working less and spending more time with us in the last three years

He loves his daughter and so much everyone can see it. We haven't heard from his mother again since she was born but I knew she was still out there.

The boys have grown up and are amazing fighters and protectors to their little sister. I just know that Bellamy is going to be spoiled by them.

We were out having a picnic and I watched how the kids played hide and seek while Matteo lay on the grass resting his eyes and enjoying the sun

"It's a perfect day," I said looking at Matteo

"It is," Matteo said before both of us jumped up at Bellamy screaming. The boys ran to her and so did Matteo but before they got to her Victoria threw her into a van and sped off

"No no no this can't be happening," I said looking at Matteo with worried eyes. He yelled at me to call the cops before he and Emilio jumped in the car and drove after the van

The other boys ran to me as I dialect 911

Once the cops arrived we told them everything. I was shaken up and scared and jumped when Matteo touched me

"Did you get her?" I asked hopefully looking around

"We didn't they were gone before we knew it," He said making me start crying as I fell to my knees

"Sir. We need you to tell us everything you saw," The cops said

He took our statement and told us to go home and wait. He was also sending an officer with us in case there is a randsom call

When we got to the house Matteo held me and said, "We need to be strong baby. I know it's hard but try for me, please,"

I nodded my head and wiped away my tears and held the boys closer to me as they cried

"You should call the family. Tell them what happened," I said

"What happened?" We heard Dad ask making us look behind us 

In the living room stood not only Dad but Hades, Josh, Diego, Ace and his boys

"Where is Bellamy?" Greyson asked

"Mom took her. We were at the park relaxing the kids were playing hid and seek and then we heard her scream before we could do something she was gone," Matteo said

"What?!" They yelled

"Sir the FBI are here to help," The officer said who came with us

Matteo nodded his head as Dad hugged me while Matteo went to help the FBI people

"What are we going to do?" Emilio asked looking at me

"I don't know bud," I said trying to hold my tears back

"I'll call some people who might help," Hades said

"We'll call some people as well and get the word out. We'll pay them for any information they can give us," Diego said

"That would only lead to wrong information. You can't trust anyone's word they will lie just to get money," A FBI woman said before looking at me and saying, "We will do anything we can to find your girl,"

"Bellamy. Her name is Bellamy," I said

"Okay, can we have a picture of her?" The woman asked

Emilio pointed behind the woman at the family photo we took a few weeks ago

"Thank you," She said and disappeared into the living room

"Cops aren't useful. Do what you can to find my daughter," I said looking at Diego

He nodded his head and left with Ace and Hades

"Boys go upstairs, watch a movie or do homework," Dad said

"Grandpa," Leo wanted to argue but Dad said, "No buts. Go,"

My kids and Ace's kids ran up the stairs as Dad whispered into my ear to let it out

I started crying as he held me. I could feel Matteo's eyes on my back but Dad just said, "She'll be okay. We'll find her,"

Dad made me eat something while they still worked. I felt useless while my baby girl is in danger. 

"How are you and our little arrow?" Matteo asked as he rested his hand on my huge pregnancy belly

"I feel useless Matteo our baby girl must be so scared,"  I said making him hug me tighter

"I know, baby girl I know but we are doing our best and so is the cop and FBI agents," He said 

"What if we don't get her back?" I asked

"I won't give up searching until we have her back in our arms," Matteto said 

"I want to help," Emilio said making us look at the kitchen door 

"I want to help find my sister and I'm not taking a no for an answer. So you either let me help or I'll do shit myself," Our fourteen-year-old boy said 

"Fine go help your uncle. he's in my office," Matteo said 

Emilio looked at me and said, "I'll bring Bellamy home Mom I promise and we don't break promises in this house," 

I smiled even through the tears before standing up and kissing his head saying, "Be careful baby I can't lose you too," 

he nodded his head and ran up the stairs past the guards. "Go rest my love the baby needs the rest so do you," Matteo said 

"I don't think I can sleep," I said

"Then go watch a movie with our boys and relax," He said 

I nodded my head and left him standing there as I went to the movie room. As I entered my boys made room for me to sit and once I sat down they hugged me and cuddled up as we watched a stupid movie that kept me from thinking too much about my baby girl

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