Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Waking up I saw Matteo holding Emilio while he was crying

"What's wrong?" I asked making Emilio turn to me and cry as he stretched out his arms towards me

I took him and looked at Matteo

"He had a nightmare," Matteo said

"Oh baby," I said before kissing Emilio's head and saying, "It's okay baby. Shhh shh shh,"

When Emilio calmed down he still wouldn't let me go so I looked at Matteo as his alarm went off

"Go get ready for work I've got this," I said and went down with Emilio

"Want to help mommy make some food for daddy and Uncle Hades?" I asked him and he nodded his head

We worked together to make some pancakes for everyone and as we were busy Matteo and Hades came down before sitting g in front of us

Matteo smiled at how messy Emilio was while Hades just shook his head

They each eat four pancakes before they needed to go. Emilio and I finished making the pancakes and decided that we were going to get cleaned up so we went upstairs and took a bath together

After we were done we got out and I dried both of us before we got dressed.

Emilio wanted to dress the same as me so I dressed him in a cute white shirt, some baggy black pants and some sneakers. After he was done I placed him on the bed and got dressed myself.

After that was done we went down and I sat him in his high chair before feeding him. Once done I placed him in front of the TV and went up with the triplets' milk

Getting into the nursery I saw Leo and Enzo were already awake so I picked Leo up changed his diaper and fed him before burping him and laying him back in his crib

After him, I did the same to Enzo and then I woke up Tonio so that he could get fed as well. Once the triplets were fed, changed and burped I made sure the baby monitor was on before going back downstairs.

I was glad our kitchen and living room were linked that way I could clean up while watching Emilio

After cleaning up I checked the babies through the camera on the baby monitor and smiled as they all looked like they were in dreamland

I went and sat next to Emilio and watched some children's episodes with him. He especially loved Tom and Jerry as well as Loony Toons

Matteo and Hades came home early again and just as they walked in Josh followed behind them

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked

"Hades and Josh are going to look after the kids for the night and we are going out," Matteo said

"Matteo you said you don't do dates," I said

"Luna, baby, go get dressed," Matteo said and kissed me before chasing me up the stairs

I went to my room and got out a dress I bought but never worn. Once I got dressed I put on some heels and put on some light makeup before heading back downstairs

"Holy smokes," Hosh said making Matteo and Hades turn towards me

"Mama looks hot," Emikio said making Matteo glare at him and say, "Watch it kid she's mine,"

We laughed at them before I bit my lip and ask, "Do I look okay or should I change?"

"You look amazing my love," Matteo said and kissed my check

"We won't be back until tomorrow morning so don't wait up," Matteo said smirking

He grabbed my hand and led me out of the house where I came to a stop when I saw the Limo

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