Chapter Thirty-Three

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It's been a few years since Bellamy was kidnapped. No one knew where she was and the cops and our best men couldn't find her. Three days after that awful day Elliot was born he also gave us quite a scare because he was also born prematurely. after him we haven't had other kids and my sons have not let him out of their sites too afraid that it would happen again. 

We had a few leads on where Bellamy could be but it all led to a dead end. After she was gone the boys changed so did everyone in our family. Matteo and some of the boys threw themselves into work while others started getting into friction fights. She would have been Sixteen today.  

I woke up with her on my mind and looked to my right to see Matteo awake looking at the ceiling

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked 

"She's sixteen today," he said making me sit upright

"I know," I said and looked at him as he sat up

"We should go somewhere today. anywhere. To somehow celebrate her birthday," He said 

"That's a great idea. Go tell your five oldest sons that," I said making him chuckle and say "This was Emilio's Idea last night," 

"Oh?" I asked as he kissed my shoulder 

"Yeah." Matteo said just as Nico came into our room without knocking "Your sons are in a fight again," 

"God why this time," Matteo asked as we got up and went to the door to see Blake and Xander throwing punches at each other 

"Stop It!!" I yelled, making everyone stop what they were doing and look at me 

"Blake And Xander you both better have a good explanation for getting into this early!" I said loudly 

"Mom, he started it," Blake said 

"How did I start it huh? You came at me ashole," Xander said making Matteo hit him on the head saying "Language," 

"You were in her room last night with a whore," Blake said 

"Lucy isn't a whore and she only came in to be there for me!" Xander yelled 

"Okay enough. Go get ready. All of you boys," Matteo said 

"Why where are we going?" Xavier asked 

"Out of the city," I said and Matteo nodded his head 

"Sure who is going to go get Emilio and Leo?" Enzo asked 

"We are standing behind you idiot," Emilio said 

Everyone went and got ready as well as packed their bags before meeting us by the front door. Once everyone was downstairs I was busy telling Miranda to take the weekend off when Matteo's phone went off and he answer it

"Hello?" He said 

"Who is it?" Emilio asked 

"Wait where?" Matteo asked looking straight into my eyes 

"Yes, yes we're on our way. thank you so much," Matteo said before hanging up 

"What is it?" I asked 

"Our daughter," Matteo said making everyone look at him 

"What about her dad?" Elijah asked 

"She's in Miami. The cops found her and ran her DNA or something before calling me," Matteo said 

"Then what the hell are we doing here?" Emilio asked grabbing his bag and rushing out of the house with the rest of the boys 

"It's an 18-hour drive," Matteo said grabbing our bags

I grabbed Elliot's hand and followed them. Once in the car, I saw the boys speed off making me groan and Matteo smirk shaking his head

"Let's go," He said as the twins, Nico, and Elliot were in the back

As we drove we stopped once for gas and snacks. The kids weren't happy but once I said we stop they stopped with us not wanting to hear me scream at them

"Mom, do you think Bellamy will like me?" Elliot asked as he held my hand walking to the counter

"She'll love you, little brother," Xavier said

"Who couldn't love this cute face," Xander teased him

"Stop teasing your brother," Matteo said as he paid for our stuff

"There are five hours left till we get to Miami," Blake said

"Till I have my baby girl in my arms," I said and smiled at the kids

We all got back in the cars and drove further until we got to Miami. Matteo took the lead and drove us to the police station while the boys followed behind us

"Once we get there the kids should stay outside," Matteo said

"What no way," Xavier said

"It's so that she won't get scared or overwhelmed," I said making them sigh Xander say, "Let Elliot go in with you the rest of us will stay outside,"

"Thank you," I said as Elliot's face was filled with excitement and fear

When we stopped Matteo told the older ones our plans before they agreed

That sun was starting to set as we went inside. When we got inside a young girl was fighting with an officer and screaming to let her go that she can't go back.

I froze as my heart drop seeing her face. My baby girl wasn't the same anymore

When she saw me and Matteo she froze before looking at Elliot

"My baby," I said and she immediately ran into my arms

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