Chapter Twenty Three

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It's been a month since we came to Italy. I'm currently 4 months pregnant stressed out and lacking sleep.

Vice's brothers went to help Matteo while he stayed behind with a few men so we could keep our business running.

Beth, Allie, Josh, Jay, Hades and I have been keeping ourselves busy with the party stuff since according to Hades I was going to lose my mind doing nothing.

We haven't heard anything from New York only over the radio as news came through from people dying from other gangs hitting them.

Most of New York are afraid to leave their houses because they think they'll get caught in the crossfires.

Police, swat, FBI and other organizations have surfaced and are on the streets daily hoping to stop this turf war

Right now I'm in the kitchen baking while Vice watched me

"Luna don't you think you have baked enough cakes and Cupcakes?" He asked

I looked around and bit my lip saying, "Yeah you're right. Fuck. I should stop. I'm sorry,"

"Hey hey it's okay," He said and hugged me as I started crying

"Shit stop crying, please. I'm sorry you can continue baking if you want to," He said

"What happened?" Jay asked as he and Dad came in

"She just started crying after I said she had baked enough," Vice said

"Dear hell," Jay said before moving closer.

"Luna baby girl look at me," He said making me look up still crying

"When was the last time you slept?" he asked as he pulled me into his arms

"I-I can't sleep without him," I cried out

"Luna that isn't healthy for you or the babies. Come on you need rest," He said

"I can't," I cried and added, "I don't want to be alone. I miss him and I'm scared I won't see him again,"

"What's wrong?" I heard Allie ask as she and the rest came in

"Owen, she hasn't been sleeping since we got here. I think she's having a mental breakdown," I heard Dad say

"Shit. Josh, you're a doctor right?" I heard Hades ask

"Yeah I am but I don't know how to handle this," He said

"Luna darling come on you need to get some rest. I'll stay by your side until you wake up," Uncle Owen said

"I don't want to sleep I want him!" I yelled before feeling a pinch in my arm

I looked at where the pinch came from and saw I had a needle in my arm. I followed the arm that held the needle up to see Vice looking at me with sad and worried eyes


"She'll be out in a few. Jay, take her upstairs. She should sleep for 24 hours or so," Vice said

"What have you done," Owen asked

"I saved her from herself. She needs rest and it was obvious that she is starting to break down from not enough sleep," Vice said

Jay caught her before she fell and saw she was out like a light before picking her up and taking her to her room where he had her down on her bed

Jay felt sad that his boyfriend's sister was breaking down and understood how she felt because he felt the same. He laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her before falling asleep as well

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