Chapter Twenty-five

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It's been Two weeks since Matteo returned safely. He made Teresa sign over her prenatal right to him and once that was done we started the adoption paperwork that would say that I'm Emilio's mother from now on.

I'm 8 months pregnant today and since I woke I have been craving a fruit salad so I quietly left the room since Matteo and Emilio were still asleep and went to the kitchen

As I entered the kitchen I saw Ace standing in front of the stove making pancakes

"Good Morning," I said and kissed his cheek and hugged him before making my way to the fridge

"Morning. Why are you up at 4 am?" He asked

"Craving a fruit salad," I said grabbing the ingredients

"Okay," He said and continued making pancakes while I finished making my fruit salad.

Just as I was about to take my first bite my water broke

"Ace," I said looking up as he hummed

"My water just broke," I said making him snap his head towards me

"Okay I'll go get Matteo and wake up the rest," Ace said quickly as he turned off the stove and run towards the rooms

"It's happening?!" I heard Matteo yell loudly before Emilio started crying

I sigh and glared at Matteo once he came out of the room

I took Emilio from him and cradled him till he fell back asleep while Matteo grabbed a bag and Ace went into every room waking everyone up and telling them

"Come on let's go," Matteo said

The first contraction felt like someone kicked me in the guts making me groan as we walked out the door

"Give me Emilio I'll take care of him and see you guys at the hospital," Allie said and took Emilio while Matteo then picked me up and rushed me to the car

We rushed to the hospital and once we got there Matteo took me inside where a nurse told him to put me down in a wheelchair

Once he did the nurses took me to a room and helped me up into a bed just as a doctor came in

"Julia," I said surprised

"Hey, Luna. I'm glad to see you guys again. Are you ready to have the boys?" She asked

"Yeah, and thanks for coming," Matteo said

"Sure. It seems you are already 6 centimetres dilated do you want something for the pain?" Julia asked me

"Nope no drugs," I said while Matteo gave me a look as if to ask if I was sure

"Okay then a nurse will be in every couple of minutes to check on you and once you are fully dilated we'll deliver all three babies," Julia said

I smiled and thanked her before another attraction came along making me groan.

"Can't believe it's so soon," Matteo said gripping my hand

"We'll meet our sons soon. I can't wait," I said and then groaned again 

Hours went by and I wished I got something for the pain. The nurse came to check up on us a few times. She came by five times and the fifth time the nurse came in she smiled at me and said, "Doctor Julia will be here soon,"

"Finally," I sort of screamed while I felt a contraction.

"Okay," Julia said coming in and sitting down getting ready to get the kids out.

"Luna on you're next contraction I want you to push okay?" Julia said

I nodded my head breathing heavily and gripping Matteo's hand tightly

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