Chapter Twenty-Four

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Seven months pregnant and not with the one that you love can be hard especially if you don't know if your loved one is safe, hurt or alive.

We have heard nothing from New York in months and everyone is worried not just because of the war and the loved ones we haven't heard from but worried about me and the babies as well.

After I fainted that night I stayed on bed rest. The only time I stand up is when I go take a bath or go to eat.

Right now I was reading a book to detract myself when Allie came in with a woman named Teresa

"Luna this is Teresa she used to be my friend back in New York," Allie said making me look up

"Hello," I said

"You're pregnant. Wow, that's cool. I have a son myself. He's almost two now. At the end of June," Teresa said making Allie look at Hades with a weird look

"Funny that's about the same time you left New York," Hades mentioned

"That's why I'm here. Is Matteo here?" she asked

"No why?" I asked

"My son Emilio is his son as well," She said making me glad I was sitting otherwise I would have stumbled back.

"Where is Emilio?" Allie asked

"He's in the car. I want to give him to Matteo because I-i just can't take care of him," She said

"How high are you right now?" I asked

"I-I'm not," She said but I could see she needed another fix everyone in the room could

"Hades go get the kid," Dad said

I went with him and once I saw the crying kid in the car. He wasn't even in a car seat nor was he buckled up

I immediately opened the car door and took Emilio in my arms before placing him on my hip

"Shh, baby your okay, Shh shh," I coddled Emilio while bouncing him up and down

"You're good," Hades said

"How could she not even buckle him in," I asked before putting my focus back on Emilio

"I don't know. Come on let's go in," Hades said

We went in and once we entered we heard her ask for money

"How much do you want?" I asked

"20k," she said

"Fine but first you'll sign away all your right to Emilio," I said while everyone looked at me

"F-fine," she said

"I'll go ask if our lawyer can send the paperwork here," Uncle Owen said

"In the meantime why don't you go grab a cup of coffee? We'll call you when we have the papers," I said

"Like hell, I'm going to leave my baby here without getting the money," She said

"Fine then stay," Hades said a bit pissed and hit her on the head making her pass out

"We should get the papers fast," Allie said

Emilio yawned as he looked up at me

"Hey, buddy. Are you tired?" I asked him

He nodded his head and laid it on my chest. 

"Okay, bud how about we go get some sleep huh?" I asked before leaving to go to my room. Once I got in my room I closed the door and laid down with Emilio in my arms

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