Chapter Twelve

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It's been a month since I started living with my brother. He took me to his house after we went to the diner and I haven't left since. Sure I went outside but never outside the gates of the property. 

I started feeling unwell last night so Josh offered to take me to the doctor's office today since the rest were out. 

I was already dressed and just waiting for Josh when Ares came through the door

"Going somewhere?" He asked 

"We're going to the doctor. She doesn't feel well," Josh said coming down the stairs

"What's the matter?" He asked worried

"Yeah just a bit nauseous and sore all over," I said 

"Pregnant?" He asked 

I froze for a minute as my eyes went wide. 

"Fuck I was joking. If you are I will kill him," Ares said 

"Aww if she is we'll have a cute baby here soon," Josh said 

"Luna?" Ares asked 

"God," I said a bit panicked

"Let's go buy a pregnancy test," Ares said shaking his head and taking my hand

We got in the car and went to a nearby drugstore. We went in and Ares dragged me along to the aisle where you could find the tests

Once we got five of each different test before going to the counter

"You guys trying or something? These are a lot of pregnancy tests," The woman behind the counter said

"She's my sister and I want to be sure before I go kill the guy who got her pregnant," Ares said

"Oh okay," the woman said looking a bit worried and scared

Ares paid for everything before we went back to the car.

"Did you get it?" Josh asked as he opened the car door for us

"Yes get us home," Ares said while I got in

As we drove home I said, "You can't kill him if I am. Please brother,"

"Why not?" Ares asked seeming pissed

"Because I don't want my baby to grow up like we did. Without parents. Please, brother. My baby needs a mother and a father,"  I said he turned around and looked at me

"Fine. I won't if he stays with you and raises the child with you. But the small chance that he refuses this child or you. He'll die," Ares said

I nodded my head with a small smile on my face. Once we got home the rest of the boys were in the living room chilling with two other people

"Oh my god this is her?" a girl asked

"Yeah this is my sister," Ares said before adding, "Luna this is Wyatt's girlfriend Rose and then we have Jay, my boyfriend,"

"Boyfriend?" I asked looking at Ares with a smile

"Don't," he said

"I have a new big brother?" I asked looking at Jay

"Technically younger. He's two months younger than you," Josh said

Smiling I hugged Jay and asked Ares, "How did you snag such a cutie you big ogre,"

"Take it back now. I'm handsome and I snatched him with my good looks," He said making me and Jay start laughing with the rest

"Baby!" Ares whined

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