Chapter 12

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Christmas Day

I woke up a couple times throughout the night. Chan was still with me. Felix had lightly knocked on the door. I rubbed the empty side of the bed. "Time to get up sleepy head", Felix called. I sat up and looked around the room. Everything was the same, but Chan had left without me noticing. I went to take a shower before I actually start the day. Walking past the kitchen to retrieve my clothes, Chan is standing there surrounded by food as he stares at me.

"Good morning, Bambi."

"Good morning." I'm starting to be stand off-ish. Short and simple responses. I'm just hurt that he left without saying anything or even lightly tapping me. I know why but we could've been up together. I'm running away again. I think I'm doubting that this relation will work. After the holidays, I'll leave. Return home, we'll see what comes of it. I mean Chan and I aren't an official couple, so it shouldn't be too bad.

After my shower, I put on my candy cane fluffy socks, green plaided long skirt with a white long sleeve. I put on mistletoe earrings with a matching necklace. Don't worry, I smell of marshmallow and peppermint. I exit and return back to Chan, who is wearing a black button up with black pants. He had put on reindeer antlers once I returned back to him.

"The restroom smells like the inside of hot cocoa." Felix said as he walks past. He's wearing a red turtleneck.

"Thank you." I turn to Chan, "what are you making?"


Baesuk is a drink made out of Korean pears. I heard it can also be a natural cough remedy. 

Later in the day, we had decorated the sugar cookies. We worked on one gingerbread house together, less of a mess. The smell of peppermint was in the air. The frosting was very sticky and got everywhere including ourselves. The house was the most uncoordinated piece we have ever done. The roof was in three different colors. Two colors on one side and one on the other. The front was a winter wonderland, and the back was like winter in the summer. It looked like the elves had puke up Christmas and just forgot the back because they were tired of the snow. 

We sat and watched "Alice: boy from Wonderland." Felix was weirded out by the movie. Chan and I sat close. He held my hand in-between us. In the movie, instead of snow falling; flower petals would fall like snowflakes. I thought that was a nice and different touch of the movie. 

"Did you understand what was real and what wasn't?" Felix asked.

"Sometimes. I think this movie you have to watch a few more times to fully understand, but it wasn't bad. I enjoyed it." Chan watched me as I spoke. He hasn't really put his input into anything and just let Felix and I rule the day. 

We slid onto the ground and crawled to the Christmas tree. Felix put together three piles of boxes. He points to mine and Chan's. I opened mine first. Felix had gotten me a perfume that smelt of caramel chai and some jewelry. Chan came out with his gift for me. A wooden jewelry box with the design of cranes and flowers upon it. It came with tiny drawers and a section with a lock on it. 


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