Chapter 23

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Love Moves in Mysterious Ways by Nina

Life went back to normal. . .sort of. Chan and I haven't been out in public together in a while that didn't go past the dorm. They continued to produce music and content. I stayed home doing the usual. I had to clear some things with my family and friends. Other than that, things have been pretty good and easy. The boys return home late and been feeling good. Chan constantly finds me asleep in bed when he returns and always kisses me goodnight. By the time I wake up, they're gone. I don't get to see them as much because their schedule is even more busy now. 


I was sitting at the kitchen island as Chan walks through the front door.

"Hello, you're home early." He shakes his head 'yes' and stands in front of me with a smile on his face.

"Is something wrong?" He shakes his head 'no'.


He grabs my hand and takes me to the room. He sits me down and stands in front of me again.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" I say as I scratch my head.

"You need to pack."

"Pack? For?"

"A trip, it's going to be sunny."

"Sunny? Wait, where are the boys? Where will they be? What is happening?"

"They'll be here. It's just you and me."

"Is this, okay? Don't get me wrong, I'm down but like... you know."

"It was approved by company. What a miracle."

I start packing for warm weather, not trying to overpack. I didn't ask questions because he usually never tells me anyways.

"Wait, are we going out of the country?"

"Oh, yes. I forgot to mention that." He says calmly sitting in the living room.

"Did you already pack cause you're just chillin' right now."

"Ah, yes." He claps his hands together.  "I kind of didn't care what company was going to say and was going to go either way."

"Maybe, you should start caring again." I lift my hands up as I finish with, "I'm just saying."


When we landed, Chan told it was the country of his favorite food, Thailand. We walked into a beachfront resort. There were vines draping from the balconies of the rooms, palm trees were everywhere, and a river stream like pool flowing between the building of rooms. I saw people in the water with transparent boat and paddle.  It was bright and colorful. It's so beautiful when it was night and the bright white light lit up the resort with the open night sky visible to our eyes. 

"How did you find this place? It's unbelievable!"

"A hidden gem for another hidden gem."


We treated this getaway as it's us against the world. We wouldn't leave each other sides. We would be right outside of the bathroom door waiting for each other. We stayed a full day together in the room. Neither of us got out of the bed until the other woke. Chan was always the first one up. He wanted to "have my face inscribed in his mind", his words not mine. 

One night, I decided to let him know what I was truly thinking. I haven't really expressed my feelings about anything. 



"I just wanted to say thank you."

"Thank you?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry for running away so much. For not even trying on the first day we met. I was afraid, not because of who you were but who I was. What I have went through. In everything I did, I gave so much just to get nothing in return. I learned to run away. I never wanted to be used. I always was left to figure things out myself. Even when I asked for guidance from those who you would should guide me. I was left with nothing. I always taken the easy way but with you, I'm capable of choosing something that's not quite as easy."

"I wouldn't hold it against you. I hadn't been so open either. Some days I thought we wouldn't make it. I was used to people leaving me, but I was disturbed with the thought of you not around me. But if you did leave, I would let you. I wouldn't force you to stay and be unhappy. I just wouldn't find anyone else until you came back to me."

"We been through so much. Your life has been online for everyone to see. I knew that if I was in the picture, it would cause chaos."

"I don't want to talk about that. People will talk regardless of who you were. Stay in this moment with me." 

He pulls me in. "How about on the last day that we're here, we write each other a letter. It doesn't matter how long it is, just write." I shake my head in agreement. 


After the trip, I was planning on going back home. Life was changing for my friend, and I had to be there for it. I had packed for a few days and Chan was going to send me off. 

"You ready?"

I was sat on the floor and looked up to him. "Yes, but I don't want to leave you. Things were getting so good."

It was raining so we stayed in the car for a while. We held onto our letters from the resort until today. We exchange and chose not to read them until I left.

 The airport looks like so many people were waiting for someone. Which isn't unusual but what happened next was.


News got out that Chan and I had been on the trip while the rest of the members were still making content. I'm not sure how the public found out because the company made a statement to cover the fact that we had even left the country. Nor how they knew I would be leaving now. I thought this was over, but I guess not. 

There were reporters, cameras everywhere, fans who were upset and others who just wanted pictures. Chan held onto to me as we got out of the car trying to cover me. I hurried to my plane. Not wanting to let go of his hand or leave him there. I looked back to him for an answer. What to do next?

"Leave." He told me.


Thank You!

I hope you enjoyed reading "My Bambi".

 I didn't want to make the story too long to the point where I was just dragging it. This chapter is a little longer than the others. I'm not sure if you could tell. Also, I hope you enjoyed the few songs I have put throughout the story.

The ending is up to you whether they continue their relationship or not. Tell me what you think happens to them. Let me know your story.

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