Chapter 15

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It may be a reach, but I get to truly feel extreme feelings. I'm staying in their dorm again. We sat all the boys down and explained the situation. They're fine with it and the racha house is fine with me living here. I can't slack around again. My skills that I have from freelancing, I'll see if I could work in the country. I'm going to follow where he goes.

I'm sat in front of my laptop in Chan's room. Click clack, clack, clack. As I type furiously on the keyboard, the door slowly opens. I turn my head with widened eyes as I look up. 

"What u doin?" Says Chan as he head nods me. I remove my headset and cock my head.

"I'm sorry?"

"I was seeing what you were doing." He sits at the edge of the bed as he stares at the screen.

"Nothing, just looking for work and researching." 

"You been in here for a while. Take a break."

"Just a few more."

"Y/N, you're starting to sound like me. Don't worry about it, I'll take care of you. Come with me."

His hand reaches out to me. My fingers rest on the keyboard as I take a deep breath. I close the laptop and reach out for his hand. He leads me to a car. I fell asleep during the drive. I woke up and there was Chan admiring me. 

"Are we here?"

"Yes, you been out for the whole drive and so I just let you sleep."

I sit up quickly.

"How long have you been waiting for?"

"About an additional hour of being here."

"How long did it take?"

"About 2 hours."

"It's nighttime."

"That's fine, we can still go." 

He gets out of the car and walks over to my door. He holds out his hand and leads me to follow him. 

"I wanted to show you something that's important to me."

"The beach!" He looks at me. "You're first love. I'm about to cry. You're too sweet."

"Don't cry. I wanted to share my childhood love with my first love." 

"Stop it." I wail as he goes in to hug me. He brings me down to the sand and wipes away my tears. I pull myself together as we sit together looking at the night sky. 


I get up and walked closer to the water. He follows. He rolls up his pants before coming in and splashes me. We play fight and he made sure not to get me too wet. His arm wrapped tightly around before saying,

"Are you getting hungry?"

"Yes, we should be heading back."

"We can go back tomorrow."

"What about the company?"

"They can wait. Come, there's a place we can stay. It's not far from here and it has some food places nearby. Would a convenience store do?"

I nod my head in agreement. He pays for everything. We ate outside of the store. We strolled through the trees before finding a place to rest. 


"I can sleep on the couch if you want me to."

"I want you in the bed with me." 

He walks towards me and snuggles me.

"Thank you." I said.

"Sleep well." He says as he held me tighter. 


My Bambi [Bang Chan x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ