Chapter 22

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Loved Me Back to Life by Celine Dion

I woke up in a hospital bed. Chan by my bed side with half of his body on the bed and the rest was in his chair. I let him rest and I return back to sleep as I stroke his hair. When I woke up again, Chan was talking to the nurse. I straighten myself up, but my body began ache. The nurse looked my way which made Chan turn to me. 

"You're awake."

I didn't say anything. The nurse had walked away and came back with the doctor. They told me, I had fainted due to the trauma that had just occurred. "During your attack, your stress levels had increased and along your emotions for Mr. Bahng; seeing him had only triggered your emotions and stress even more. Along with the injury you had to endeavor. Nothing serious, you'll get some bruising. You'll be able to leave soon." They left the room, and it was just Chan and I.

"You saw everything." I wouldn't look at him. 

"I did. . . I tried to reach you."

I bust out crying. "I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. It's all my fault. I knew I should've stayed away from you."

"Hey, don't say that. It was never your fault. It's not even your fault now. . .  Calm yourself. You don't have to apologize to me or anyone."

"What are we going to do?"


Lee Know, Jeongin, Felix, and Seungmin all came over to the house to check on me. I didn't speak. I couldn't, I was embarrased and ashamed. Chan later took me to the room.

"Hey, I understand you feeling out of the ordinary since the whole thing. You can talk to me."

"I shouldn't be here. You're disobeying your company. You can lose your job if you stay with me.  I think it's better if we just wait."

"No! I can't wait for you, and I won't. I don't care what anybody say. I got you and I'll find a way."


The next day, Chan went to the company demanded that he isn't leaving Y/N. He had made a statement that was clear and direct. He wrote demanding for those who don't approve to move on because he wasn't going to change his mind. He thanked those who have been understanding and supportive of the relationship.  He will in fact still work with Stray Kids. The relationship will not impact his work. He stated that he will not talk about it after this day and that what happened the other day should not have happened and was disappointed.

"I would say to stay inside but you can't hide all the time." We been looking online all day seeing the response to his statement. 

"I mean what can I do?"

"I'll be with you and if you don't feel comfortable, I'll send someone to you."


A week has gone by and there are still faint talks about us. I been living day to day getting better and learning to speak up for myself. I'm still learning that this has nothing to do with me but the minds of others. I'm going out today, just for a simple walk. I'm not going to tell anyone. I want to see what happens. 

The wind blew gently on my face. I walked and walked. No one had come up to me or looked my way. The moonlight lit my path. I closed my eyes and stood underneath the streetlight. I take a deep breath. I think back to everything Chan had said to me leading up to this day. My eyes opened and I walked until I couldn't anymore. I returned home with a new sense and before Chan and the boys got back. 


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