5.5 Demanding little thing

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I chuckled as we all waited in our wolf forms

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I chuckled as we all waited in our wolf forms. Edward and Bella looked annoyed when they walked up. Edward was holding the thing hand and Bella looked to be pouting. I studied the thing she was a mix of Edward and Bella. More of Edward in it though. I wonder if that meant that she was more vampire than human. "What, don't trust me now Jake? I guess you aren't my best friend or lover anymore now too?" Bella hissed, making all of us roll our eyes at her. Edward looked at us and then sighed. "What?" Bella asked as she looked over at him concerned. I rolled my eyes as we should be concerned about her. She was, after all, a newborn vampire.

"I still can't hear them. I don't understand what could be blocking me?" He said and this set her off.

"Really? It's her!" She asked as she glared at us and pointed at Jules. Who was standing there with a wolfish smirk. Jules walked away before coming back in her human form.

"You can talk to me!" She said as she stood there with her arms crossed. "And since I can talk to them in this form you don't need to talk to him." She said as Bella just glared at her.

"How do we know you are telling the truth?" Edward asked.

"How do we know you are?" She questioned back. "Guess you will just have to believe me! Kinda like we did with you and all of your bullshit stories!" She said as Jake, Jared and I chuckled. "As I'm Luna, I have the final say. Not Sam, Not Jake, Not any of them. My word is law!" She said and this made Edward nod his head. Bella looked at him in disbelief.

"Whatever." She said when Edward looked at her pointedly. Edward then looked back at us.

"Resnemee grew attached to Jake. In the short amount of time they were together. She wants him back." He said and Jules and I scoffed. "He is her mate!" He said and this made Jules and Jake laugh.

"But she isn't his imprint! So he has no ties to her!" She said and I nodded my head as did Jake. "But if he wants to go then he can. But so, you know. Since she isn't his imprint we aren't held to protect her!" She said and this shocked Edward and seemed to annoy Bella.

"But if he chooses to be with her..." Edward started but was cut off.

"Then he accepts that she means nothing to our pack or the others." Jules said and this seemed to sink in with Edward. Bella was a different story.

"And what if he wants to be with me?" She asked and Jules just laughed as did Jake.

"Then he would be dead to all of us." Jules said in a cold tone. "You are a vampire now Bella. Our enemy." She said and Bella shook her head.

"Jake, can we please talk? Just you and me?" Bella asked but Jake shook his head no.

"There is your answer Bella. He doesn't want to talk to you! He doesn't want to be with you. It is time you moved on!" Jules said and Bella glared at her.

"Jake..." The thing said as it took a step closer to us. It didn't let go of Edward. "Jake... It's time to come home. You know you were meant to be mine!" It said and Jake just growled at it.

"Yeah! He doesn't want that!" Jules said as she looked at it in disgust. "And since there is nothing else we will be leaving." Jules said as she turned to leave.

"NO!" The thing screamed as she tried to run at us. Edward held on to it but he seemed to be struggling. "He belongs to me." It screamed as she kicked and screamed. "You will give him back to me." It screamed before biting Edward. He hissed but held it still.

"My brother belongs to someone. But it is not you!" Jules growled showing her k9's. "Keep it up you little monster and I will gladly rip your head from your body!" This made the thing stop. She looked at Jules scared before looking at Edward. Edward glared at us.

"If a fight is what you want then you will get one!" Edward said, making Jules laugh.

"Are you sure you want to watch your child and Bella die?" Jules asked with a sickly sweet smile. Edward stepped back looking a little afraid.

'She must have let her thoughts slip.' Jared said and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Because you won't win this fight." Jules said as she turned her body just a little and was back in her wolf form. She bared her teeth at them as she took a step closer to them. Edward shook his head at her. But Bella took off. Edward soon followed. We could hear the thing screaming about how she wanted her protector for a few miles before everything went quiet.

'Will that is one way to show them that we aren't playing around any more!' Jared said and I chuckled. Jake was looking at the spot that they had left.

'Jake?' I asked and she shook his head.

'I don't think they are going to leave us alone any time soon.' He said and this pissed us all off.

'Well if you...' Jules started but Jake growled at her. Making her giggle at him.

'I know!' He said as he turned and started to run back home.

It was only when we arrived back did we tell everyone what had happened. We could all hear them asking what was going on, what had happened. But Jules just told them to meet up at Sam and Emily's so we could all talk. We were all glad that the rest of the Cullens didn't try anything as many of them were used to giving in to what Bella and Edward wanted.

8 Chapters Left

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