your todler burns her hand

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You was in an important meeting when your phone rang. It was Taylor. She knew never to ring whilst you was in a meeting unless it was an emergency and so you answered.

"Excuse me for one moment" you politely said.

"Taylor I'm in a meeting"

"I know im sorry but after making food I told your brother to shut the baby gate and told him to keep and eye on Ophelia whilst I went to the toilet and then I heard her scream so I ran to her and saw that she burnt her hand and now we're heading to the hospital" Taylor frantically said.

"Woah Tay, slow down"

"Ophelia got into the kitchen after your brother left the baby gate open and she put her hand on the stove where it was still red hot and it burnt her".

You could hear your daughters cries in the background.

"alright I'll meet you at the hospital now"

You ran to grab your bag and told the others you had to leave and that you could redo the meeting another day.

Now in the car rushing to the hospital worried.

You was closer to the hospital than the others and so you got there a little earlier.

As soon as the others arrived you ran to get your daughters.

"Your staying" you told your brother.

"You was supposed to watch her and close the gate properly whilst Taylor went to the toilet so this is your fault"

You and Taylor hurried into the hospital whilst your brother stayed outside.

"Mommy, it burns" your daughter said fighting back her screams.

"I know sweetheart but I promise these nice lady are going to help you" you tried to calm her as much as much as possible.

Taylor explained to the lady at the front and some others came to assist you guys.

They took you to a room where they gave some meds to ease the pain before taking a look.

They washed it and put some stuff on it to help before wrapping it up.

You had to stay for a few nights to make sure it was healing properly and once they made sure it was they sent you all home with some instructions on how to treat the burn whilst healing.

You never let your brother alone with your daughter again until she was older enough to know things she can't and shouldn't do.

Baby, Just Say Yes (Taylor Swift x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now