you surprise her with a new cat

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"Y/n?" Taylor called out when she got home.

There was no answer.

She put her things down before looking for you down stairs. Once she knew you weren't down there she headed upstairs.

"Y/n? Baby?" You heard her footsteps coming until they stopped as you spoke.

"Shhh your gonna ruin the surprise" you said followed by a 'meow' by the kitten you had rescued for Taylor.

The kitten was supposed to be a surprise but he didn't really want to be Co-Operative.

You heard Taylor giggle as she entered.

You quickly hid the kitten behind your back.


"What was that?" She laughed.

"Uhm that was nothing"

She gave you a look as to say she knew you was hiding something.

The kitten meowed once again.

"Fine, I got you a kitten as a surprise but he didn't really want to be one" you sighed showing her.

"Omg he's so adorable does he have a name?" Taylor was quick to steal him from you.

"No" you giggled. "He's all yours to name".

"really? Awe".

You could see she was very happy and in love.

"I found him on the side of the road and just couldn't leave him"

"Aw thats sad, how can someone just leave him? "

"I have him a bath and brought him in here and I think he liked you midnights album, he uhm chewed the edge of it" you giggled.

"You think Karma will fit him?" She gasped at the idea.

"I think Karma fits him very well" you smiled, kissing Taylor softly.

Baby, Just Say Yes (Taylor Swift x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now