Christmas dinner

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"Ophelia, go with Taylor and get dressed, Scott and Andrea are coming over" you said as you entered the kitchen to start the Christmas dinner.

"Nanna and Bampa?" Her little voice echoed from the other room.

You paused for a minute realising what she had just called them.

"I meant.. Taylors parents" you could hear her footsteps coming towards you.

You had never forced your daughter to call Taylor's parents, her grandparents as it was a little complicated.

You had Ophelia from a past relationship and it didn't go well with him as he was a bad person. Due to that, Ophelia had never met her father and it's always just been the both of you.

When Ophelia was about 1 you started dating Taylor and a year later was when they finally met each other and now Ophelia was 6 and you and Taylor got married when she was 4.

Your daughter was smart and understood that Taylor was only a step mum... At the moment that is... And that she just called Taylor by her name and same with Taylors parents and so it was a surprise when Ophelia called them that.

"No it's okay Baby, you can call them that if you want, they'd love it"

"Okay" she giggled as she finally ran off and climbed the stairs after hearing Taylor walk up.

Your heart melted at her sweetness and you knew that soon was coming the time where she'd end up calling Taylor her other mum... You didn't expect it to be as soon as it was though.

A little later Taylor, Ophelia and Quince all came back downstairs, all dressed in matching outfits.

"Your next, baby" Taylor grinned as you looked in a little shock. "I left yours on the bed"

"You got us all matching outfits? Awe babe, that's so cute" you bit your tongue so you wouldn't cry at how adorable it was before hugging Taylor. You then went up and got changed yourself.


A few hours later the dinner was read and all set up at the table and Taylors parents soon arrived.

You all greeted each other and sat at the table and ate.

In between eating yours, you fed little Quince his Baby version of Christmas dinner which was basically a Christmas dinner but pureefied into baby food. You had found some online and though it was cute and he wouldn't miss out.

"He's getting big now, isn't he?" Andrea smiled softly

"Yeah he is"

"He tried eating his presents earlier" Ophelia told them.

"Did he now?" Andrea laughed.

"Good thing we bought him something that he can actually eat" Scott stated.

Baby, Just Say Yes (Taylor Swift x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now