Christmas as a family

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A/N: Late post but I hope you all had a great Christmas if you celebrate!! There will be a few parts to this Christmasey theme to make up for not posting for a while. Plus I have a lot of ideas. Enjoy!!


"Mommy, Mommy, it's Christmas" Ophelia repeated as she jumped up and down on the bed that you and Taylor was in.

It was the first Christmas of you and Taylor being Married and living together. Not long ago you also had your son, Quince and you knew this Christmas was going to be perfect with your new little family.

"What? Ophelia?" You groaned as you rubbed your eyes and sat up.

You looked over at the cot that Quince was in to see that he was giggling as he watched Ophelia wake you up. You then looked to see that Taylor was also awake.

"Santa's been, Santa's been" Ophelia continued to jump up and down, happily.

"Oh has he now? You sure it wasn't to drop off some coal for you?" You joked and playfully dragged her down to tickle her.

She giggled and laughed from your tickling as Taylor watched in awe.

You held your daughter in your arms as you kissed Taylor good morning before getting up and carrying Ophelia.

Taylor got Quince out of his cot before you all headed downstairs.

She made you both some coffee and made Quince his bottle.

"Hey, Ophelia? What drink do you want?" She peaked round the corner as you and Ophelia waiting in the living room.

"Juice please"

"Orange or Apple?"

"Orange please"

After making all your drinks she brought them to the living room and sat down. She gave Quince his bottle as you drank your coffee and Ophelia had some of her juice.

"Can we please open them now?" Ophelia looked up, once she put her juice on the coffee table.

"Of course we can" you smiled and Ophelia went to pick out the first present.

You rested your head on Taylors shoulder as you watched your daughter as Taylor was feeding Quince.

It was a happy sight to see and your daughters reaction to all her presents was adorable.

Of course you had to take some pictures.

"This one's Quince's" she held up one that was wrapped in Tomas the tank wrapping paper.

She came over to you with it and once Taylor burped Quince, you let Quince open it... Well it was more of gripping and pulling before trying to eat the paper.

You all laughed as he tried before it was fully opened. It was some small baby books for him. He grabbed them and once again tried to eat them too.

Ophelia gave her little brother a kiss on the forehead before going off to open and find more presents for him and herself.

Baby, Just Say Yes (Taylor Swift x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now