you have a child

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"Where's Taylor? I need Taylor" you Whinced In pain.

"I'm right here baby, just breathe" she hurried into the room.

You found out you was pregnant with your baby boy back in January when all the symptoms started. You was so happy and excited. You was a little scared as he was coming before the given due date.

"Midwifes on her way" Taylor smiled.

"Hang in there little guy" she spoke with a soft tone as she lightly placed a hand on your stomach making sure not to hurt you or the baby in any way.

The pain was unbearable but you refused to take anything for it. You wanted it all to be a natural home birth as planned

Your midwife soon arrived and you was glad. You was so tired as it was almost midnight and had gotten no sleep from the pain.

You had originally woke Taylor with your screams.

"Talk to her, ask her questions, it'll help with the pain whilst we wait for it to be time to push" the widwife told Taylor and Andrea as they both help your hands.

"Have you chosen a name yet for him?" Andrea asked.

"Yeah" you smiled "Quince".

"That's adorable" she stated.

"Quince the Prince" Taylor ruffled your hair a little.

"Tay" you laughed.

Taylor kissed your forehead softly as you all chatted.

October First: 0:21
"I think he's ready, go get some warm water and some towels" The midwife told Taylor.

She was faster than a cheeter to go grab them.

The midwife layed them out under your bottom half and where the baby would land.

She put a soft one to the side where she'd use to clean the baby before she'd wrap him in his baby blanket you had bought.

You cried out in pain as the pain worsened.

"Your cute" Taylor kissed your forehead once again.

"Tay- AHH HE'S COMING" you screamed squeezing Andrea's hand.

She didn't mind though.

You did as you was told by your midwife which was to push. Soon enough, four minutes later at 25 minutes past 12am, Quince was born.

When you heard his cries you teared up but that moment she placed him in you arms the tears turned into a full on waterfall.

It was a moment you'd never forget.

You looked at Taylor and her mum, both had tears in their eyes as well.

"He's a precious one ain't he" Andrea said.

"Gorgeous" Taylor said after.

"You wanna hold him?" You looked up at Taylor.

"Really?" She said mouth wide open.

You nodded as you giggled at her reaction.


You carefully passed her you baby and watched as her face lit up.

"He's so adorable, look at his little tiny hands" she bent down a bit to show that he was holding onto her finger.

After a minute or so you let Andrea hold him.

"Awe, barley has hair" she said in awe.

"At least he has some" you all laughed.

"I wouldn't still love him the same even without hair though" you said after.

Baby, Just Say Yes (Taylor Swift x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now