you find out her dating you was a bet

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Selena shut the door behind her as you sat on your bed.

"Okay so I want you to listen and try to understand all this" she said.

"Okay?" You said looking confused.

"Taylor loves you very very much you know that right?"

"Yeah, why?" You chuckled a bit.

"Well just listen, Her dating you was a bet she made with one of her other friends.." She started explaining.

"WHAT? SO I'M JUST SOME STUPID BET? SO SHE DOESN'T ACTUALLY LOVE ME" you raised your voice getting mad.

"Y/n just calm down, Taylor wanted to tell you but she knew you'd get mad and didn't know how to explain, whilst dating you she actually fell in love and she was scared she'd loose you if she told you"

"I don't believe this" you stood up walking back and forth hand son head.

"She really do actually love you and Im telling you this now because the one who made the bet with her is about to expose her today".

You sighed as tears started to fall from your eyes.

Selena came over to you pulling you into a hug.

"I know your upset but Taylor really do love you I promise you that"

"I just wish she would have told me, I would be mad but also I'd understand if she actually loves me because if it wasn't for the bet I wouldn't have her" you sobbed.

Selena whiped away your tears and you took a deep breath.

You then both headed back into the other room to the others.

"Ahh y/n" olivia spoke.

"Olivia please, I beg you, don't tell her" Taylor begged.

"Did you know Taylor dating you was a bet, y/n" she confessed.

"Poor y/n must be so upset that someone she truly loves doesn't actually love her back"

"Actually I'm not" you chuckled.

"Selena told me the whole thing" you said walking over to Taylor.

"Y/n I am so sorry I really do lo-"

"Shh" you cut Taylor off by placing a finger on her lips shushing her.

You then moved your hand caressing her check.

To her surprise she felt your soft lips touch hers.

Everyone cheered as Olivia stormed out.

You pulled back giggling.

"Whats so funny?" Taylor questioned.

"You shoudve seen the look on your face when Olivia told me that"

"That's not funny y/n, I was scared I was going to loose you I truly do love you" she said.

"I know don't worry, thanks to Selena she told me the whole thing and that you do really love me"

Taylor pulled you into a hug as she mouthed an "thank you" to Selena.

Baby, Just Say Yes (Taylor Swift x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now