She's too drunk to recognize you

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You, Taylor and a few friends decided to go out to a party as you all had a free day and you barely ever hang out together anymore.

You sworse you'd only have a couple drinks each but Taylor seemed to have had more due to her not being able to refuse the ones some guys bought for her.

Of course though she was careful and watched their every move so she wouldn't end up having her drink spiked.

You watched as Taylor headed to the dance floor with the others as you stayed back with Selena.

You saw Taylor stumble a bit which made you laugh.

"I should probably get Taylor home before she does end up drunkinly accept a spiked drink of a stranger" you chuckled.

"Yeah good idea, it was nice hanging out we should do it some time again" Selena chuckled too.

"Definitely" you smiled as you headed over to Taylor.

"Taylor baby" you tapped her shoulder.

"Oh hey, I know you" she slurred.

"Yes I'm your girlfriend, y/n"

"No no, your that guy who delivered me my pizza last week"

You and your friends bursted out laughing at those words.

"First off im a girl not a guy and second of all I don't deliver pizza"

"You sure?" She squinted her eyes trying to get a better look at you.

"Yes I'm sure, I'm your girlfriend"

"I'm not gay silly" she rolled your eyes.

You laughed.

"Your really pretty though, stunning, gorgeous, mabye I am a little gay" she drunkinly laughed but you laughed harder.

"If im your girlfriend then your most certainly a little gay, my love"

Taylor gasped.

"Did she call me her love?" She whispered to a friend.

"Yep cause your her girlfriend" they laughed.

"I am?" She widened her eyes. "Lucky me"

"Alright let's get you home, Tay"

"As long as I get cuddles" she giggled.

"You get cuddles every night of course your going to get them"

"Woo go me" she fell into your arms forcing you to push her back up into her feed.

You laughed at how funny she was before kissing her fore head softly.

Baby, Just Say Yes (Taylor Swift x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now