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Spencer's P.O.V

I couldn't believe another year has gone by how fast time has been and everything that has happened. For starters, my team and I were able to three-peat as Super Bowl champions. What can I say, a dynasty is being born here in LA and this is only what's happening on the field. For those who doubted me, I want to say thank you because when I hear them say that I'm not worth all that money, I like to prove them wrong. Then when I look at them again, I can only smile at them while they're left speechless.

Off the field, there have been a couple of life-changing events that I am beyond grateful for.

One, my beautiful baby girl, Brianna, is getting bigger every day. Biologically, she may not be mine, but I didn't care, blood or no blood, she will always be the first child I had in my life. When she called me Daddy for the first time, I was speechless yet emotional. Both my Mom and Liv told me that I have made a difference in Brianna's life, but really, she's made a difference in mine. I'm blessed to have her in my life because even when I have a bad day, her excitement and joy always bring a smile to my face and I'm able to forget the negative and spend time with her. Me and Liv couldn't be happier and we couldn't wait to see what our baby girl accomplishes in the future.

Two, the birth of the twins, Amiyah and Avante. I never knew what fatherhood would be like when your kids are born, but seeing the first milestones before their birthdays were once in a lifetime and I couldn't miss it. Like seeing Amiyah and Avante taking their first steps. They could only crawl or me and Liv had to pick them up, but now they're able to walk. Then Amiyah said "mama" as her first words while Liv and I were playing with her and Avante said "dada" as his first words while we were watching a football game. Then when we celebrated their first birthdays, it was one to remember and many more to come. We celebrated their first birthday with a Disney theme and everyone came dressed as a Disney character. Everyone had a good time, especially Amiyah and Avante.

Three, reuniting with my sister and meeting my nephew for the first time. Now obviously the reunion wasn't at its finest because my head was so far up my ass that I let my ego and actions get in the way. I didn't give Lauren a chance to explain her side of the story, but when I did, I realized that people can change. When I introduced her to the family, it was very welcoming at first because my Mom and Dylan only viewed Lauren as who she was from the past, but when Liv, Lauren, and I explained everything, they had the same look and emotions Liv and I had when the full story was told. My Mom and Dylan instantly regretted how they reacted towards her. The more they got to know Lauren, my Mom was more welcoming than before, especially with her son Lamar. It was nice to see the bond they were creating. As for Lauren and I, the more I got to know her, she was an independent, hardworking individual who was determined to accomplish her goals and be an example of someone whom her son can look up to. And it paid off, she finished her undergraduate at GAU and is currently attending law school to become a lawyer. I couldn't be proud of the person my sister has become. My nephew, Lamar, looks a lot like his mother and some looks reminded me of Corey. He really is an amazing kid, and I can tell that Lauren wants him to excel in school, but also have fun as a kid like getting involved in extracurricular activities, and he made sure of it. Seeing him play football reminded me of when I was young. I asked Lamar what he wanted to be when he grew up, he said he wanted to be a quarterback in the NFL. It was his dream. When he told me that, I told him to chase after his dream, if he is passionate about something, he would be willing to put in the work.

And last but not least, the love of my life, Olivia Baker soon-to-be Olivia Baker-James. I never thought I would be in this position in my life. She is my everything. She's helped me become a better man every day, and in a few weeks, I will be proud to call her my wife and the mother of my children. Through the good and bad times, we have always been there for each other. Seeing each other grow and accomplish our goals. Like me continuing to strive in the NFL, Liv making her presence known by becoming the top sports agent in the nation led to her opening up her own sports agency. Olivia is becoming an example to others who have the same passion as her and she is also mentoring and taking them under her wing. She wants her employees to be successful at their jobs and I couldn't be happier for the journey she's been on for her career. I continue to fall madly in love with Olivia every day. She said I was the one who saved her life, but she was the one who really saved my life. Now we have forever.

We were all at the rehearsal dinner at one of the venues off of the Pacific Ocean as Liv and I were finally getting married. I couldn't believe that tomorrow I am marrying the love of my life. Some people thought I wouldn't settle down, least of all, someone who represents them. They say mixing business with pleasure does not turn out well, but to be honest, I could care less because Liv and I were able to prove them wrong. What we have is real. This is the woman that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.

I was looking out at the Pacific when all of a sudden I felt someone's arms wrapped around my waist and their head on the back of my shoulder. When I turned around, all I did was smile as I admired the beauty of the person's eyes I was looking into.

"Hey Liv."

"Hey Spencer. What are doing out here?"

"I'm just looking at the Pacific."

"You're not having second thoughts are you?" She asked me as I started to feel my heart racing when she asked me that question.

"Liv of course not. I love you and I-" She cuts me off.

"Relax Spencer. I'm joking."

"Liv, not cool." I smirked.

"I'm sorry Spencer." She hugs me and then kisses me with passion.

"Am I forgiven?"

"For you? Sure."

We both smiled. "But for real Spencer, what were you thinking about?" Liv asked me.

"Just looking back at all the things that happened this past year."


"I'm blessed Olivia Baker."

"Why's that?"

"Because I'm not supposed to be in this position."

"Spencer? That's not true."

"Just hear me out Liv."


"With everything that I lost in my life, I thought the only thing that mattered was football, but that's where I was wrong."

"How so?"

"You." Liv looked at me surprised. "Ever since the first day I met you, I was happy to have someone in my life who I could talk to when I needed them. And you were always there for me Liv."

She smiled and had a few tears falling from her eyes.

"Hey. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry."

"No Spencer. These are happy tears."

"The more we got to know each other, the more I fell in love with you Liv. That's when I started telling myself, 'This is the woman I'm going to marry someday and she is also going to be the mother of my children. Now look where we are today. We've built an amazing family, and tomorrow, I can't for us to officially be husband and wife."

"Me too. You complete me Spencer James and I can't wait to see what the future has for us and our family."

We kissed each other with passion and headed back inside.
Just a little recap of what's happened this past year for Spencer and his family. The next chapter is the wedding and Spelivia will finally be husband and wife. Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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