Chapter 10

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I hugged my books to my chest as I walked through the hallway. Jackson was hot on my heels.

"Isn't your next class in the other direction?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "My class is this way, Luna." Jackson Jacobs is a horrible liar. Anyone could tell when his pants are on fire if they know what to look for. His eyes widen slightly and he repeats himself. "I mean, I've been going this way for the last month. Why would I go the wrong way? That would be pointless." He rambled.

I rolled my eyes, but didn't bother to find out exactly why he felt the need to follow me. He probably wants to know more about Sal, but there really isn't much to tell.

I got to my classroom. I waved to Jackson and walked through the door. Through the window of the door, I saw Jackson dash back in the direction we came from, dodging and weaving through the crowd.

I put my head on the desk and caught a few moments peace.

He's so weird.

"Luna Ludwig?" The teacher called out.

"Here." I raised my hand and the class snickered.

"I know that." The teacher leaned back on his desk, smug that he caught a student that wasn't paying attention. "I called on you to go over last night's homework."

I inwardly cursed. The one time I don't do my calculus homework...

I shuffled through my papers as if it would magically appear. I frowned. "I guess I left it at home." I lied, but doesn't everyone?

"Left it at home, huh?" The teacher eyed me skeptically. I will never be top of the class, but I did usually have my homework done. My grades are average for the most part.

"Yes, sir." Calling a teacher 'sir' or 'm'am' can make a teacher go easy on you. A little respect goes a long way in a school full of rude teenagers.

"Next time it will be a detention, Ms. Ludwig." The teacher told me sternly. "Lindsay, you go over the homework.

I sighed in relief. I really don't feel like going through detention today.

I stood up from my chair as the bell rang. As I left the classroom, I noticed Conner leaning against the lockers adjacent to my classroom. As I walked down the hallway, he followed.

"Might as well walk with me instead of creeping, Con." I called back to him.

He took a couple quick steps and was by my side.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"What?" He looked at me innocently. "A guy can't walk a pretty lady to her class without his motives being questioned?"

I pinched his arm and he squealed like a girl, making heads turn towards us. "Real reason?" When he didn't answer me, I made a motion to pinch him again. He jumped back.

"Okay!" Conner held up his arms in the universal gesture of surrender. "The truth is, I'm in love with you. I have been for months. At night, I sneak into your room, use your toothbrush, and watch you sleep."

I scoffed and started walking faster. If he was going to follow me without an explanation, fine, but I wasn't going to make it easy for him.

He matched my pace, so I broke out into a run.

Conner was simply jogging next to me, while I was in a full out sprint. "You know I wasn't serious."

I was too focused on not slowing down to answer him.

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