[S 1] (Chapter 1) Introduction

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Its been a week since I was diagnosed as Quirkless, I'm currently walking through a grocery story with my mom.

Mom is currently looking through the list and naming things of what she's already bought, "Okay, so we got cheese, soup, lettuce, apples, ri-"

I jump up, "Katsudon!"

My mom giggles, "Ah right, almost forgot that, thank you Izuku."

I pose with a wide smile and she giggles again.

We walk through the store again while mom looks over what else we've bought, "Apples, rice, watermelon, muffins, juice..."

She keeps looking through the list while I keep an eye out for Katsudon, I can never lose sight of my favorite food. I spot the aisle we usually find it and turn the cart while mom pushes it. 

She gets pulled out of her trance and notices the aisle, "Oh, hehehe! Of course you recognize the Katsudon aisle."

I giggle while she looks for my favorite food, she eventually finds it and picks it up, "Alright, that's everything, let's get out of here, yeah?"

I hop in place and throw my arms up, "Yeah!"

She smiles and we walk over to buy our groceries, but before we go to a counter to pay, an explosion occurs at the front exit and my mom immediately pulls me down.

Shaking and holding my ears from the loud noise I ask, "Mommy, what's happening?"

She whispers, "I don't know, but we need to hide."

She ushers the two of us behind an unattended counter and we stay under the desk there, all the while the people who caused the explosion walk in.

I suddenly hear gun shots which make me jump and scream, but not before my mom covers my mouth to not be heard.

We hear laughter while another says, "Everyone quiet! If you all stay on the ground no one will get hurt and get to see the todays moonlight, got it?!"

I look at mom and she puts a shaking finger over her mouth, I nod, shaking my self, while I try to stay quiet.

The one who yelled out then starts talking again, "Why did you do that, now the Heroes and cops are already on their way!"

The one who laughed earlier replies, "Chill out man, we'll be fine. Just get the money and we'll be fine."

The other scoffs, "Yeah yeah, I'm on it."

The man then walks over to a counter (not ours), and starts taking the cash, all the while the other guy who presumably exploded the front entrance then starts laughing again.

He walks over to a nearby fridge and grabs a soda, "This was too easy, they submitted like a bunch of slaves."

The other villain sighs, "Don't get cocky you idiot, we don't know what we'll be facing when the heroes arrive."

The exploding facing waves him off, "Whatever man, I can take them down easy with my Quirk." he tosses the soda he grabbed, "BOOM, HAHAHAHA!!!"

The pop can explodes while in the air while the villain walks away.

The other villain mutters, "Whatever you say... idiot."

He then starts walking towards us and I begin to panic as I whisper, "Mommy, what do we do?"

She whispers back, "Just breathe, we'll be-"

The villain walking up to our counter stops and says, "Hey, you hear that?"

The other villain turns back, "Hear what?"

The villain starts walking again, "I swore I heard-" He looks over the counter and spots us, "Hey!"

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