[S 1] (Chapter 7) Proving a Point

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We're in class the next day as Mr. Aizawa stands behind his podium in front of everyone, "Alright everyone, today I will not be teaching you..."

I then get an alert that something is approaching at an alarming rate so I activate my radar and take a look at it, "Green? Who here is that fast?"

Mr. Aizawa then says, "It will be-"

The door suddenly opens up, revealing All Might in his Silver Age costume, "I am here, to teach!"

A red suit with a yellow cape, the main suit is covered head to toe in thick white lines along with a white circle in the center of his chest, there's also yellow vambraces that seems to have a wing-like protrusion coming out of the bands wrists. 

He slowly marches up to the front of the podium as the class marvels him in his old suit, I've seen him before, on multiple occasions, but seeing him in a Hero Suit right in front of me makes it a completely different story, he's like a god standing right in our classroom. There's no better feeling like it.

Mr. Aizawa then collapses in his sleeping bag, "And then there Uncle Zawa."

All Might poses behind the podium, "Hello class 1A, today I will be your teacher for Heroeing 101, today's lessen..." He pulls out a card with a big bold red letters on it, "We'll pull no punches!"

I see Kacchan's entire body tense as he says, "Fight Training!"

I smile, "Combat."

All Might holds up a remote, "But every hero should be..." he looks at the wall as he points the remote to it, pressing a button, "Looking good!" The wall extends out, revealing suitcases with our seating numbers on them, "Each of these costumes were designed after your Quirk Registration forms, meet me in Training Ground B, then we will get started."

Everyone calls out, "Yes sir!" and we all stand up and grab our suitcases and head straight for the changing rooms.

I go inside and open up my locker, I then place my suitcase on my locker's floor and open it up, seeing my hero suit I smile, "This looks better in person."

I get out of my school uniform and change into the hero suit I was given, I can't help but smile as I put it on, the suit's main color is a emerald green with a several other colors, there are a few think blue lines throughout the suit's design, along with silver chrome shoulder, elbow, and knee pads. I had addition metal padding surrounding my back spines to act as reinforcement and help take the heat off, I also had arm gauntlets and leg braces for the same purpose, I have an arm gauntlet on my left arm that have almost all the same abilities, except the grapple, I couldn't replicate that. To finish it all off, I had a dark green helmet instead of a cowl, it came with a silver white respirator that actually functioned as one, and would connect to the suit to take the heat from the thrusters and send it out through the respirator like one big venting system, I had to remove the All Might bangs, any way I looked at it, it just didn't look right so I took it out. The best part of the whole suit is that it's made of a highly heat and fire resistant material, so the it wouldn't burn away form my thruster flames, and it helps keep me a bit cooler in hotter temperatures, which is also a bonus.

I stretch, jump and throw a few practice punches with my suit on to get used to it before I go out, when I hear Shoji come up to me, "Hey there Midoriya."

I look to him and smile, "Hello Shoji!" I look him over, "You look awesome!"

Shoji's suit seems to be a simple two-piece sleeveless suit with three color, black for the top, a near grey-ish blue for the chest and legs, and a normal blue for the waist of his pants and sides of his legs.

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