[S 2] (Chapter 11) The Message & Search

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I'm so tired, I put way too much effort trying to take that guy down, now my body is exhausted, my right arm is completely mangled, and I still have to find Kacchan... I have to find Kacchan.

I stumble forward, some pieces of my arm breaking off, I glance at it, "It's still mainly intact, but if I do something like that again, it's gone."

Kota then gets in front of me, "Hey!"

I smile as I put my left hand up, "I'm okay, just give me a second, and then there's something I have to take care of."

Kota replies, "But you're all beat up, what more could you have to do now?"

I look up at the knocked out villain, "I knew he'd be strong, that's why I had to defeat him here."

Kota tilts his head, "Huh?"

I add, "I thought I'd be able to inflict a lot more damage in the end, though. Turns out I seriously underestimated how powerful his Quirk was."

I look back at the forest, "If every villain attacking us tonight is at the same level, all our lives are at stake! On top of that, it sounds like they're after some of us students."

I harden my expression as I look at the campsite, "I have to let Aizawa and the Pussycats know that's one of the reasons that they're here!" I stand up straight, with some effort, and say, "I may be injured, but I'm not defeated yet. There are more people to save!"

I look back to the villain, "We'll leave this guy here for the time being, but we need to move."

Before Kota could reply, the cliff begins to crack and break apart around us, "This cliff is collapsing, we need to go!"

Kota replies, "Okay let's go!" he was about to hop onto my back, but I stop him with my left hand.

I then say, "Wait, my thrusters are still hot, luckily I can carry you, hold on!" holding out my left hand, he grabs it and I hold him to my chest before flying off the cliff.

Behind us, I hear the rumbling and breaking of rocks, I look back to see the cliffside fall apart and fall, press my lips together, "I hope that didn't kill the guy."

I look forward and head towards the camp, "I just hope you're okay Aizawa!"

But before I could get all the way to the camo, I see Aizawa below me, "There!" I then start flying down through the trees and call out, "Aizawa!"

He stops and looks up, "Kid?"

I land on the ground, "You're okay, thank god!"

His eyes widen when his eyes land on my right arm, "Kid your-!"

I shake my head, "There's no time to catch up, I need to find Mandalay!"

He says, "Hey."

I add, "There's something I need to tell her!"

He says, "Hold on."

I add, "Please take care of Kota while I'm gone!" Kota hops off me, "It's extremely important that I tell her this, so I have to go right away, I'll be back!" I then begin to run off.

Aizawa then calls back, "Midoriya, wait!"

I stop and look back at him, "Your arm, you pushed it too far, didn't you?"

I sigh, "I shad no choice, he was too strong and too fast, I couldn't get away even if I tried!"

He sighs, "Alright, go, but tell Mandalay something for me too."

I nod, he then says, "Tell Mandalay I have given the students permission to engage the villains."

My eyes widen, then I nod and run off, "Kacchan, Mina, I hope you're both okay."

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