[S 2] (Chapter 15) An Improvement?

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I groan as I feel myself waking up, but the red behind my eyelids keep me from opening my eyes for a bit, but I try anyway... which was a mistake since as soon as I opened them, I was blinded with white light, making me wince and close my eyes again with a loud groan. My whole body felt heavy with exhaustion, except for my prosthetics of course, I tried to open my eyes again and slowly adjusted to the lights above me. I looked around groggily, and quickly pieced together that I was in a hospital, and from what I saw from outside, it was daytime, my best guess would be noon maybe a little earlier, it was hard to tell.

"Why am I so tired?" I thought to myself as I looked to what I was hooked up to.

I could tell that I was being analyzed since I was cables leaving my body and going to some computer in my room, "Dr. Garren was definitely here while I was recovering, I also bet Mina, Uncle Zawa, and mom were too." I sighed and looked back up to the ceiling.

I closed my eyes to try and collect my thoughts, it was peacefully quiet here, the beeping of my heart monitor, the slow drip from the I.V to my right, the slow quiet talking out in the halls, and the ticking of the clock. However, in calming down and collecting my thoughts, I noticed something, I couldn't feel anything from my left arm, which was worrying. I opened my eyes and looked at my left arm, lifting it up in the process, and I froze... there was a cable connected to it, and it had a chrome metal appearance like my prosthetics.

I could feel my breathing quickening, but I tried to hold myself together, "Again, it happened again..."

I could feel tears in my right eye as my vision seemed to get blurry. I just kept my eyes on my left arm as I sat up, the arm that I had lost was replaced, it was the last limb that I had that was still mine... and now it's gone, sure it was annoying to deal with since it wasn't like my other arm, but at least I could still say that I had a limb that was my own, now I can't.

The door to my room suddenly opened and I looked back, seeing Dr. Garren looking down at a clipboard in one hand, her face a little solemn, she walked in with a sigh as she looked at me, freezing at seeing me awake, her eyes widening as a result as well.

I swallow and say, "It's gone..."

She rushes over to me, dropping her clipboard ad hugging me, "I'm sorry kid, I really am, but there was nothing we could do. It was too heavily burned, slashed, and decayed, I'm so sorry."

I started to cry as I let my head fall on her shoulder. It was the last part of me that I could really use without a prosthetic to help it, and now it's gone, that last limb was what kept me from being more robotic than organic, now I'm not... it's gone.

I eventually lean back and away from her hug, and she lets go as she says, "I was planning on asking how you're holding up, but I guess that's a dumb question."

I chuckle slightly, the mood lifting a bit, "Better." I reply with a small smile, "Thanks."

She smiles and nods, "No problem kid." she then gently and quickly remove the cables connected to my prosthetics, "I did a thorough check up on your code while you were recovering, and I identified three new strings of code that you might like."

I sit up a little better and I reply, "What are they?"

She walks over to her computer and looks through it, "Well, it seems that, from what I've been told you unlocked first, is the 'Precise Radar', living creatures are shown as red or green dots, whether they are moving are not."

I smile a bit, "Whoa, that's cool."

She nods, "Indeed, the one that came next, to my best guess, would be the 'Jet Blade' string, this allows you to push your thrusters to the max, along with some of your cells, to make a large blade of pure flame, the cells somehow make this blade of fire turn green."

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