[S 1] (Chapter 5) Upgrade & Waiting

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I wake up in a bed as my whole body's sore from exhaustion, I try to move but my right arm spikes in pain and I groan in response, "Kid?"

I open my eyes and see Uncle Zawa sitting in a chair beside me, I smirk, "What, worried for you nephew Uncle? Didn't think you'd go that soft on me."

He chuckles as he shakes his head, "You scared the hell out of me kid."

I sigh, "Sorry..."

He crosses his arms, "Hey, don't apologize to me, the staff here should be doing that, the Zero Pointer in you Battle Center had gone haywire it wasn't responding to any commands we gave it, you did the right thing saving that girl."

I then ask, "Where am I?"

He smirks, "You're in Recovery Girls office, she was going through the Battle Centers and heal them, but since her Quirk wouldn't be effective for you, she put you here to rest while I made a call."

I raise an eyebrow, "Call? Who did you ca-?"

The doors to the medical room suddenly fly open and there stands a girl with long blonde hair with white streaks, purple eyes with blue flecks, a white lab coat, a red shirt, and purple pants.

My eyes go wide, "Oh no."

The women glares at me as she crosses her arms, "Midoriya, what do you have to say for yourself?"

I sweat as I stutter, "Uh... S-sorry?"

Her eye twitches and walks up to me, I close my eyes and flinch... but nothing happens, I open my eyes and see her sit to my left as she rummages through her bag.

I look at Uncle Zawa before I look back to her, "Uh... Dr. Garren?"

She keeps rummaging as she says, "If you weren't in bed I'd hit you, but you went through enough already, I saw the footage of the exam, I know why you acted the way you did, but that doesn't mean I have to like it."

I sigh and look at the ceiling, "Sorry..."

She sighs, "It's alright, you're fine now, and that's all that matters." she then pulls out a laptop and opens it up, I groan and she smiles, "Don't worry, I already checked up on you while you were out... after your thrusters stopped smoking."

I look at her as I slowly sit up, in pain, but I got up, "Okay... but why did I need a check up?"

She glances at me, "Because you did a major thing to your systems." she looks back to her laptop as she types on the keyboard, "And we needed to know what exactly that was while we could."

I turn to Uncle Zawa, "What is she talking about?"

He smirks, "Just listen."

I look back to her as she turns the laptop around, showing complex code that I still don't understand, "What's this?"

She smiles as she rolls her eyes, "This..." she points to the code, "...is the code that controls your systems, these commands say that all your skills and abilities only activate at a set limit, in other words, you're X-ray vision can only go for a set distance, not any further, not any shorter. Same fore you Spark Boost, you activate it, and it will only go at a set speed, not any faster, not any slower."

I nod, "Okay, that I know."

Dr. Garren continues, "But after the Entrance Exam, this is old code, your systems no longer use it, you use this." she then tabs the space bar and the code gets overlayed by a new piece of code, in a completely new language.

My eyes go wide, "Whoa."

She smirks, "Neat, right? Thanks to my Quirk I've been able to translate what it says, but it was still a shock to see it appear." she turns her tablet around, "From what I could gather so far, it seems your systems now work like a gauge instead of a switch."

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