[S 1] (Chapter 24) The Hero Killer

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We're on our way to Hosu on sky train to find and take down the Hero Killer: Stain, but I had to ask, "How do you know Stain's still in Hosu?"

Mirko replies, "Well, it's pretty simple kid, every time he terrorizes a city a city he stays to take down at least three heroes, and so far, only one has been attacked. We also know he was the first because he was left alive to spread the word of his arrival, he only dos that for his first victims within a city."

I look out the window, "Wow, I didn't know that."

She shrugs, "The media doesn't like o tell people that part, causes hysteria."

I nod, "I can understand that, last thing you want is people to know is that there's a killer in the city and he's yet to take down his target victims."

She nods, "Yeah, so we know he's there, which means we can catch him!" she smirks.

I chuckle and look back to her, "Yeah, just remember we're a team, yeah?"

She looks at me, "Oh for sure, but that goes for you too, listen to me and only me, unless I say otherwise."

I nod, "Yeah, you got it." I look out the window and sigh.

She tilts her head, "What's up with you, you've been down in the dumps ever since I told you that we were headed to Hosu for the Hero Killer. So, what's up?"

I cross my arms, "Just worried for a classmate who interned here, I'm worried about him."

She pats my shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm sure your friend knows to not go after Stain alone, if he's anything like you."

I reply, "By any other time I would agree with you, but I don't think he's in his right mind right now."

She cocks an eyebrow, "Why's that?"

I look back at her, "Because he's Ingenium's little brother."

Her eyes widen, "Wait really?!"

I nod, "Mhm, Tenya Iida, I heard from out teacher that he only applied for one place instead picking any back-ups in case his first one didn't work out, he only picked one agency from Hosu... Manual's Agency."

I looks down and closes her eyes, then says, "Okay, we need to find Stain more than ever if that's the-" her eyes shoot open and pulls me towards her, "GET DOWN!!!"

Something then crashes through the train car and slams a pro into the floor, I look up and I see a bulked up, grey-skinned, wide eyed, brain exposed creature holding down a pro.

My eyes go wide as I try to stand up, "Nomu!"

It looks up and roars, grabbing my leg, "Oh shi-!" and pulls me out.

Mirko calls out, "Kid!!" and chases after me.

I look over it and see its flapping wings, "Sorry, I don't like free rides!" and grab one of its wings and pull, sending us down and crashing through the corner of a building before tumbling across the ground.

I quickly stand up as it gets up as well, it roars and charges, I go to punch it, but Mirko axe kicks it down and kicks it away, "No one touches my student!"

I call out, "Mirko!"

She looks at me, "Go, I'll handle this thing, find your classmate, use your Quirk if you have to!"

I try to interject but she stops me, "GO!!!"

I let out a sharp breath before running off, "Good luck Mirko!"

I'm running through the streets of Hosu as I try to find Iida, "Come on, where are you?!"

An explosion erupts from the distance, and I stop, "Oh no." I shake my head, "No, the pros can handle it, I need to find Iida!" I fly up to a building's rooftop and start running again.

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